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Adobe central hub for open source

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### Expected Behaviour ### Actual Behaviour ### Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to) #### Steps to Reproduce #### Platform and Version #### Sample Code that illustrates the problem ####...

## Description I have added CSS margin to the Top Logo now it looks perfect, also removed the project section "position" now the interaction will good. and lastly, corrected grammatical...

Disney+ brings in R-rated Marvel films as service skews older

### Expected Behaviour to be alive as a GitHub page. ### Actual Behaviour is not a GitHub page any more ### Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)...

## Description Fix the broken website link. Broken link - Updated link - ## Screenshots (if appropriate): ![Screenshot 2021-09-22 175729]( ## Checklist: - [x] I have signed the...

## Description ## Related Issue ## Motivation and Context ## How Has This Been Tested? ## Screenshots (if appropriate): ## Types of changes - [x] Bug fix (non-breaking change which...

![adobe]( This is just a suggestion, Just the way the `Show More` button lies at the bottom of the list of repositories, clicking it should have a similar behavior where...

while selecting **Statistic** from the **nav** bar. It overlaps with the main content and **blocks the main screen's content** there is no option to get back . **Re-clicking Statistic doesn't...

## Description ## Related Issue ## Motivation and Context ## How Has This Been Tested? ## Screenshots (if appropriate): ## Types of changes - [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change...