Adam Carlucci
Adam Carlucci
Hi @steeley, thanks for the suggestion. Can you provide an example of how you think the API should look for this? Just a code snippet or something to show what...
Yeah at first glance that's what makes sense, but the problem really is that audio units have to work together to support non-default sample rates. So, you'd have to set...
@jasonlevine that would be pretty convenient, but I'm against having magic statics like that can lead to some pretty weird and unintuitive behaviour in edge cases (like if you had...
The problem is that having a global variable like that opens the door to unintuitive "magic" behaviour, and is just generally bad form if there are other options available. It's...
Hey Jason, it's been long enough since I wrote this that I don't really know the answers off hand. Here's some thoughts though: - the missing source bus param may...
Sorry, I don't know and a quick googling isn't turning up much. Maybe check if `AudioUnitGetProperty(...)` is returning an error, you can use the ofxAudioUnit util for automating that here...
I've got this too, not sure if it's just user error though :) 2013 rMBP, 10.9
It looks like it's related to audio capture (or lack thereof). I get logs like: ``` 2/2/2014 11:57:57.521 AM CocoaSplit[70288]: SETTING UP RESOLUTION 2/2/2014 11:57:57.539 AM CocoaSplit[70288]: Attaching destinations 2/2/2014...
Hi @dimitre! thanks for the nudge, I don't have a mac development system around these days unfortunately. This will have to sit for a while unless someone can open a...
Hey all, I was experiencing the same thing and it seems to have been something to do with using ProRes input. Re-encoding to h.264 before creating the ppm files gave...