
Results 30 issues of admich

Is it possible to accept presentation from another application frame? For example : 1. start a listener 2. show directory in the listener 3. open Climacs 4. C-x C-f in...


In the comments of the code in `Backends/common/ports.lisp` is written that SHIFT-MOUSE-M paste the content of the selection `:primary` but it doen't work.

It's not clear if `(alocate-space pane ...)` must resize its own pane or the children. In MCCLIM `allocate-space` methods sometimes do one thing, sometimes the other often both. Also the...

`move-and-resize-sheet` isn't defined in term of `move-sheet` and `resize-sheet` as suggested in the specification (Sec. 7.3) ``` (defmethod move-and-resize-sheet ((sheet basic-sheet) x y width height) (move-sheet sheet x y) (resize-sheet...

parsing "today" or "this day" return now and not the day of now. ``` (chronicity:parse "today" :now (local-time:encode-timestamp 0 0 30 12 13 2 2020)) @2020-02-13T12:30:00.000000+01:00 (# #) ```

If I try to load: ``` (in-package :cl-user) (defpackage :bug (:use :cl)) (in-package :bug) (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel) (net.didierverna.clon:nickname-package)) (clon:defsynopsis () (text :contents "Some texts") (xswitch :short-name "s" :long-name "xswitch"...

otherwise the TAB completion doesn't work.

The following initargs (mentioned in the specification) are missing in slider gadget: ``` :min-label :max-label :range-label-text-style :number-of-tick-marks ```


Hello, I have a problem with clsql when I read float numbers from a database (I use sqlite3). The following repl commands show the problem: >CLSQL-USER> (connect ":memory:" :database-type :sqlite3)...

loading mcclim-desktop fail because in standard-pathnames.lisp asdf/find-system:registered-systems is not external in asdf/find-system. To load "mcclim-desktop": Load 1 ASDF system: mcclim-desktop ; Loading "mcclim-desktop" ........... ; ; caught ERROR: ; READ...