> medium-transformation, when bound to the sheet, is "+identity-transformation+" unless the user changes it. They may change it either by passing :transformation option to the drawing function or by wrapping...
I read your notes. All seems ok to me except: ``` ;; Native transformation (sheet -> mirror) (sheet-delta-transformation sheet (sheet-mirrored-ancestor sheet)) ``` This is true only if the `mirrored-ancestor` have...
For the regions there is something that I still don't understand. In this: ``` (let ((mirror (sheet-direct-mirror msheet))) (region-equal (sheet-region msheet) (region-intersection (mirror-region mirror) (msheet-region msheet)))) ``` what is it...
I haven't any specific case, your assumptions makes sense.
Seems the same of #839 so the problem it is in `accept` and maybe the problem it isn't the dynamic binding but the presentation type.
I have the same problem. The probelm is that the tracking pointer code (when multiple-window is t) receive the pointer events two times: one in the tracked sheet coordinate and...
The problem isn't single/full mirror, I didn't try but I think that the problem remains also with a single mirror port. The problem is that slider never grab the pointer....
Possible improvements: 1. change used gesture (see #1260) 2. Now the highlighted item with the pointer and with the keyboard have the same visual aspect, maybe it is better to...
I think that the problem is that when McCLIM check if the event is a :complete event with `event-matches-gesture-name-p` the event is no more the raw event because the following...
Hi, yes I'm italian from Lucca. The github code was not updated. Andrea