xAPI-Spec copied to clipboard
RFC-2397 URLs in Attachment Fields
The following is a xAPI json blob that validates just fine in https://lrs.adlnet.gov/statementvalidator .
"actor": {
"account": {
"homePage": "https://some.site.com",
"name": "7565a82f-28cf-40f5-9c77-3385b66f2fe6"
"objectType": "Agent"
"attachments": [
"contentType": "text/plain;charset=utf-8",
"description": {
"en-US": "The dialog of the conversation"
"display": {
"en-US": "Dialog"
"fileUrl": "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,CiNQIzogV2hhdCdzIHVwLCBteSBmcmllbmQ/IEhvdydzIGl0IGdvaW5nPwojQSM6IEhleSB0aGVyZSEgVGhpbmdzIGFyZSBnb2luZyBncmVhdCBvbiBteSBlbmQuIEhvdyBhYm91dCB5b3U/",
"length": 108,
"sha2": "3a93e01587188069c0ac766114159a1e2e4d669c1cf8739ebeae646b15f51a9d",
"usageType": "http://id.tincanapi.com/attachment/supporting_media"
"authority": {
"account": {
"homePage": "https://some.site.com",
"name": "[email protected]"
"objectType": "Agent"
"context": {
"registration": "7565a82f-28cf-40f5-9c77-3385b66f2fe6",
"revision": "2023-12-13T02:05:35.025Z"
"id": "05b7935b-de5f-4ae5-9d6d-37441fea71a5",
"object": {
"definition": {
"description": {
"en-US": "Some kind of description with a kind of long text."
"extensions": {},
"name": {
"en-US": "Introduction"
"type": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/simulation"
"id": "https://some.site.com/workshops/5fafc6e9-a703-438c-bf7f-ccebd0d6a43f",
"objectType": "Activity"
"result": {
"completion": true,
"duration": "PT18S",
"score": {
"scaled": 0.2
"timestamp": "2023-12-14T04:01:14.315Z",
"verb": {
"display": {
"en-US": "scored"
"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/scored"
"version": "1.0.0"
This is specifically of note because you can put full documents in the IRL attachment field. The following javascript code will parse the field in a way that is expected, and makes it indistinguishable for most systems that blindly pass through the fileUrl value into a javascript Fetch statement.
fetch(crazyUrl).then((response) =>response.blob()).then((blob) => blob.text()).then((value) => console.log(value));
import datauri
d = datauri.parse(crazyUrl)
You can even run the above in your debugging tools. What I cannot really tell is if this actually violates the spec. "data" is a valid scheme and works transparently in javascript, and with some minor special handling in python as long as the library is setup to parse the standard. Is it a violation of the spec to include a RFC-2397 compliant blob of data in the Attachment's fileUrl field?
If not that seems like a way to accidentally blow up storage expectations on servers recording the xapi entries.