Missing AdsInsights fields is really becoming a problem as people upgrade to latest releases. Please see #302 for another example where 3 fields are named. There has been no feedback...
Answering my own question here. The problem was that the **AdsInsights** class in the ``` facebook-java-business-sdk.7.0.0 ``` java lib is missing the following data members: ``` @SerializedName("hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone") private String mHourlyStatsAggregatedByAdvertiserTimeZone...
This is still an issue that I would very much like to see get resolved.
If I'm not mistaken, this issue seems like one that would be relatively straight forward to fix. Is it not the case that the codegen file: facebook-business-sdk-codegen/api_specs/specs/AdsInsights.json needs to add...