Moved to @ad-si

Results 107 issues of Moved to @ad-si

- Read only input field - QR Code - Buttons for most popular bitcoin marketplaces (Coinbase, Circle, Coinjar, - Message and contact email - Conversion to $/€/… - Display...

Use api to get number of bitcoins transferred to a certain address.

``` shell $ atom --version Atom : 1.9.9 Electron: 0.37.8 Chrome : 49.0.2623.75 Node : 5.10.0 ``` Changed the template but the titles look like before. Also no errors in...

I installed custom-title via the command line: `apm i custom-title` It was then listed in my packages list but had no `settings` button. Only after reloading atom the button appeared...

Hi, I am Feram 🤖 I'm a bot and I work in behalf of [adius]( As I'm just a dumb program this pull request might be incomplete or utterly nonsense....

```haskell message = "\ \==================================================\n\ \No module files were changed \n\ \-> Run all tests: \n\ \==================================================\n\ \" main = do putStrLn message ``` looks like this:

Why don't you simply provide a default local.json file which lets one easily check out the project by hosting the static directory? (e.g. with `cd static && python3 -m http.server`)...

Many style guides suggest putting the `.PHONY` before the target. This is also my preferred style. ```makefile # Remove all build artifacts and dependencies .PHONY: clean clean: -rm -r build...
