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An Implementation of SVM - Support Vector Machines using Linear Kernel. This is just for understanding of SVM and its algorithm.

Implemeting SVM from scratch using Python

  1. Refrence

  2. About SVM (General required for algo)

    • For all xi in training Data:
      •  xi.w + b <= -1   if yi = -1 (belongs to -ve class)
         xi.w + b >= +1	if yi = +1 (belongs to +ve class)
          	__yi(xi.w+b) >= 1__
    • for all support vectors(SV) (data points which decides margin)
      •   xi.w+b = -1    here xi is -ve SV and yi is -1
          xi.w+b = +1    here xi is +ve SV and yi is +1
    • For decision Boundary yi(xi.w+b)=0 here xi belongs to point in decision boundary
    • Our Objective is to maximize Width W
      • W = ((X+ - X-).w)/|w|
      • or we can say minimize |w|
    • Once we have found optimized w and b using algorithm
      • x.w+b = 1 is line passing through +ve support vectors
      • x.w+b = -1 is line passing through -ve support vectors
      • x.w+b = 0 is decision boundary
    • It is not necessary that support vector lines always pass through support vectors
    • It is a Convex Optimization problem and will always lead to a global minimum
    • This is Linear SVM means kernel is linear
  3. Algorithm in Code (See code for better understanding)

    1. Start with random big value of w say(w0,w0) we will decrease it later
    2. Select step size as w0*0.1
    3. A small value of b, we will increase it later
      • b will range from (-b0 < b < +b0, step = step*b_multiple)
      • This is also computational expensive. So select b0 wisely
    4. We will check for points xi in dataset:
      • Check will for all transformation of w like (w0,w0), (-w0,w0), (w0,-w0), (-w0,-w0)
      • if not yi(xi.w+b)>=1 for all points then break
      • Else find |w| and put it in dictionary as key and (w,b) as values
      • If w<=0 then current step have been completed and go to step 6
      • Else decrease w as (w0-step,w0-step) and continue with step 3
    5. Do this step until step becomes w0*0.001 because futher it will be point of expense
      • step = step*0.1
      • go to step 3
    6. Select (w,b) which has min |w| form the dictionary