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Writing intuitions and approaches for Leetcode problems divided based on difficulty
Intuitions, approaches and code for Leetcode Problems which have been explained by me with solutions. Divided based on difficulty to easily access different questions.
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ID | Title | Solution Link |
20 |
Valid Parentheses | https://shorturl.at/eiruT |
21 |
Merge Two Sorted Lists | https://shorturl.at/agvy0 |
35 |
Search Insert Position | https://shorturl.at/efqvy |
69 |
Sqrt(x) | https://shorturl.at/oyLTW |
94 |
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | https://shorturl.at/IQ089 |
100 |
Same Tree | https://shorturl.at/zALSZ |
101 |
Symmetric Tree | https://shorturl.at/ahxAP |
104 |
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | https://shorturl.at/acmsZ |
112 |
Path Sum | https://shorturl.at/rDFMR |
160 |
Intersection of Two Linked Lists | https://shorturl.at/izX46 |
202 |
Happy Number | https://shorturl.at/degtY |
206 |
Reverse Linked List | https://shorturl.at/lqt78 |
226 |
Invert Binary Tree | https://shorturl.at/hrDJ2 |
232 |
Implement Queue using Stacks | https://shorturl.at/fmKN3 |
326 |
Power of Three | https://shorturl.at/vwxN1 |
401 |
Binary Watch | https://shorturl.at/abAN6 |
404 |
Sum of Left Leaves | https://shorturl.at/dpES6 |
509 |
Fibonacci Number | https://shorturl.at/copy2 |
543 |
Diameter of Binary Tree | https://shorturl.at/dfjt9 |
682 |
Baseball Game | https://shorturl.at/acJ38 |
704 |
Binary Search | https://shorturl.at/ehqxR |
872 |
Leaf-Similar Trees | https://shorturl.at/acdrN |
997 |
Find the Town Judge | https://shorturl.at/qtLQ1 |
1046 |
Last Stone Weight | https://shorturl.at/dWXZ5 |
1863 |
Sum of All Subset XOR Totals | https://shorturl.at/osHW5 |
2099 |
Find Subsequence of Length K With the Largest Sum | https://shorturl.at/dprC8 |
2908 |
Check if Bitwise OR Has Trailing Zeros | https://shorturl.at/moDWZ |
2996 |
Smallest Missing Integer Greater Than Sequential Prefix Sum | https://shorturl.at/iIMPX |
ID | Title | Solution Link |
5 |
Longest Palindromic Substring | https://shorturl.at/GNQX7 |
6 |
Zigzag Conversion | https://shorturl.at/eRT13 |
24 |
Swap Nodes in Pairs | https://shorturl.at/JNSW6 |
33 |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array | https://shorturl.at/hjFYZ |
34 |
Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | https://shorturl.at/botP3 |
39 |
Combination Sum | https://shorturl.at/uxJRU |
46 |
Permutations | https://shorturl.at/bpMPW |
48 |
Rotate Image | https://shorturl.at/cmrGU |
53 |
Maximum Subarray | https://shorturl.at/akl26 |
74 |
Search a 2D Matrix | https://shorturl.at/gpN48 |
77 |
Combinations | https://shorturl.at/bnzG9 |
78 |
Subsets | https://shorturl.at/kpqvw |
90 |
Subsets II | https://shorturl.at/bkmoM |
96 |
Unique Binary Search Trees | https://shorturl.at/dAEUZ |
102 |
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | https://shorturl.at/BFJT2 |
103 |
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal | https://shorturl.at/nsEOT |
134 |
Gas Station | https://shorturl.at/psJO9 |
148 |
Sort List | https://shorturl.at/aqxFY |
150 |
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | https://shorturl.at/dkNWX |
162 |
Find Peak Element | https://shorturl.at/gqrE7 |
198 |
House Robber | https://shorturl.at/tGS08 |
201 |
Bitwise AND of Numbers Range | https://shorturl.at/bqyVW |
230 |
Kth Smallest Element in a BST | https://shorturl.at/bJLS2 |
237 |
Delete Node in a Linked List | https://shorturl.at/aqsDY |
240 |
Search a 2D Matrix II | https://shorturl.at/lwMS1 |
241 |
Different Ways to Add Parentheses | https://shorturl.at/kstC2 |
287 |
Find the Duplicate Number | https://shorturl.at/psDNW |
337 |
House Robber III | https://shorturl.at/knHLY |
347 |
Top K Frequent Elements | https://shorturl.at/awIPS |
368 |
Largest Divisible Subset | https://shorturl.at/juAKM |
380 |
Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) | https://shorturl.at/bBIUV |
456 |
132 Pattern | https://shorturl.at/afjJ4 |
486 |
Predict The Winner | https://shorturl.at/frVZ0 |
503 |
Next Greater Element II | https://shorturl.at/htJV6 |
513 |
Find Bottom Left Tree Value | https://shorturl.at/kmuw6 |
560 |
Subarray Sum Equals K | https://shorturl.at/eEQT2 |
576 |
Out of Boundary Paths | https://shorturl.at/qBGT1 |
647 |
Palindromic Substrings | https://shorturl.at/oyAN2 |
654 |
Maximum Binary Tree | https://shorturl.at/beAN3 |
735 |
Asteroid Collision | https://shorturl.at/ovDN7 |
739 |
Daily Temperatures | https://shorturl.at/FIKPS |
797 |
All Paths From Source to Target | https://shorturl.at/mLMW2 |
826 |
Most Profit Assigning Work | https://shorturl.at/gjnV0 |
875 |
Koko Eating Bananas | https://shorturl.at/vLSU9 |
901 |
Online Stock Span | https://shorturl.at/diGK5 |
918 |
Maximum Sum Circular Subarray | https://shorturl.at/lpFQR |
931 |
Minimum Falling Path Sum | https://shorturl.at/gvR67 |
1011 |
Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days | https://shorturl.at/htxAH |
1019 |
Next Greater Node In Linked List | https://shorturl.at/pFMQ8 |
1026 |
Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor | https://shorturl.at/GPV48 |
1043 |
Partition Array for Maximum Sum | https://shorturl.at/boIV7 |
1079 |
Letter Tile Possibilities | https://shorturl.at/morxV |
1094 |
Car Pooling | https://shorturl.at/ahlrw |
1143 |
Longest Common Subsequence | https://shorturl.at/npS35 |
1169 |
Invalid Transactions | https://shorturl.at/itCST |
1239 |
Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters | https://shorturl.at/mJUX0 |
1302 |
Deepest Leaves Sum | https://shorturl.at/kmrJT |
1347 |
Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram | https://shorturl.at/swGU2 |
1448 |
Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree | https://shorturl.at/ajn24 |
1457 |
Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree | https://shorturl.at/jxAQY |
1552 |
Magnetic Force Between Two Balls | https://shorturl.at/fhiqZ |
1686 |
Stone Game VI | https://shorturl.at/ktzBH |
1922 |
Count Good Numbers | https://shorturl.at/K2359 |
2064 |
Minimized Maximum of Products Distributed to Any Store | https://shorturl.at/qDTZ9 |
2095 |
Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List | https://shorturl.at/dfklA |
2125 |
Number of Laser Beams in a Bank | https://shorturl.at/sIUW5 |
2226 |
Maximum Candies Allocated to K Children | https://shorturl.at/lvBC4 |
2385 |
Amount of Time for Binary Tree to Be Infected | https://shorturl.at/aciz2 |
2550 |
Count Collisions of Monkeys on a Polygon | https://shorturl.at/coAFL |
2594 |
Minimum Time to Repair Cars | https://shorturl.at/dAKLZ |
2870 |
Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Empty | https://shorturl.at/puKV5 |
2966 |
Divide Array Into Arrays With Max Difference | https://shorturl.at/buyUV |
2981 |
Find Longest Special Substring That Occurs Thrice I | https://shorturl.at/jtv04 |
2982 |
Find Longest Special Substring That Occurs Thrice II | https://shorturl.at/diqBK |
2997 |
Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array XOR Equal to K | https://shorturl.at/dinrV |
2998 |
Minimum Number of Operations to Make X and Y Equal | https://shorturl.at/stJV1 |
ID | Title | Solution Link |
4 |
Median of Two Sorted Arrays | https://shorturl.at/styQT |
23 |
Merge k Sorted Lists | https://shorturl.at/DGO68 |
25 |
Reverse Nodes in k-Group | https://shorturl.at/cPRZ1 |
32 |
Longest Valid Parentheses | https://shorturl.at/brC37 |
37 |
Sudoku Solver | https://shorturl.at/jknP4 |
41 |
First Missing Positive | https://shorturl.at/bfCGO |
42 |
Trapping Rain Water | https://shorturl.at/bKW59 |
51 |
N-Queens | https://shorturl.at/ceoI4 |
52 |
N-Queens II | https://shorturl.at/demDQ |
76 |
Minimum Window Substring | https://shorturl.at/bmAMY |
84 |
Largest Rectangle in Histogram | https://shorturl.at/ioqRW |
124 |
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | https://shorturl.at/doTU1 |
127 |
Word Ladder | https://shorturl.at/csNW7 |
135 |
Candy | https://shorturl.at/nrtHK |
154 |
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II | https://shorturl.at/dzL16 |
218 |
The Skyline Problem | https://shorturl.at/gmrE5 |
239 |
Sliding Window Maximum | https://shorturl.at/evD08 |
295 |
Find Median from Data Stream | https://shorturl.at/knsH7 |
354 |
Russian Doll Envelopes | https://shorturl.at/djRS4 |
410 |
Split Array Largest Sum | https://shorturl.at/myUY0 |
432 |
All O'one Data Structure | https://shorturl.at/dlpS7 |
493 |
Reverse Pairs | https://shorturl.at/cpQX6 |
629 |
K Inverse Pairs Array | https://shorturl.at/fhWY7 |
719 |
Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance | https://shorturl.at/iNOW1 |
857 |
Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers | https://shorturl.at/bdKQV |
862 |
Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K | https://shorturl.at/gjvxS |
871 |
Minimum Number of Refueling Stops | https://shorturl.at/S1457 |
887 |
Super Egg Drop | https://shorturl.at/ekyEW |
980 |
Unique Paths III | https://shorturl.at/jnuV4 |
987 |
Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree | https://shorturl.at/dlqBI |
1793 |
Maximum Score of a Good Subarray | https://shorturl.at/gqt19 |
2402 |
Meeting Rooms III | https://shorturl.at/ejsU5 |
2421 |
Number of Good Paths | https://shorturl.at/inRV6 |
2858 |
Minimum Edge Reversals So Every Node Is Reachable | https://shorturl.at/ckDL9 |