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Because somebody has to catch the hot potato!

icon Mittens

Mittens is a cross-platform, C++ header-only library for centralized handling of exceptions, particularly along module boundaries.

Robust software needs to be able to handle exceptions as gracefully as possible. This might include last-minute error logging, alternate notification mechanisms (e.g. via the JVM) etc.

An unexpected exit out of main() or an exception escaping from a DLL, COM or JNI function call can cause severe havoc. Module boundaries are stress-points where escaped exceptions should be firmly handled. Dynamically linked libraries (DLLs) export multiple C-like functions forming the dynamic module boundaries. Here, in particular, we would like a uniform and consistent way of handling exceptions. This often requires a lot of copy-paste code since try-catch statements do not naturally compose nor can they be easily encapsulated.

Mittens is a generic header-only library that allows try-catch statement composition, ordering and nesting with customizable actions per exception type. These composite exception handlers can be defined once and reused multiple times where needed.

icon Overview


  • Centralized, uniform, maintainable, consistent and composable exception handling;
  • Support both portable cross-platform and platform-specific code;
  • Write robust, well ordered, exception-type-specific custom code;
  • Particularly useful along module boundaries: e.g command-line applications and dynamically loaded libraries (DLLs, shared-object .so, Android JNI, etc.)

TL;DR: Show Me the Code!

#include "common_handlers.hpp"

auto handleIt = mittens::all_catcher               (-1, []()       { std::cerr << "Caught exception of unknown type!"   << std::endl; }, 
                   mittens::std_exception_handler  (-2, [](auto& e){ std::cerr << "Caught std::exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; },
                      mittens::generic_handler<int>(-3, [](auto& e){ std::cerr << "Caught thrown `int` = "  << e        << std::endl; })));

int main() try
   throw std::runtime_error("Goodbye World, Hello Mittens!");
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
catch (...) 
{  return handleIt(); }

Application prints: Caught std::exception: Goodbye World, Hello Mittens! and the app return value will be -2.

See the Tutorial for more.


  • Single header file generic_exception_handler.hpp + optional helper header (common_handlers.hpp).
  • Cross platform: Windows, Linux OSX;
  • No external dependencies (but unit tests use Boost.Test);
  • BSD License


  • Mittens grew out of the need to robustly and consistently handle exceptions across module boundaries in Windows DLLs and Android JNIs.
  • The first version was written in 2013. This repo is a complete rewrite to allow for much more genericity.
  • Although the design is very different, Mittens was originally inspired by Matthew Wilson's Quality Matters articles (QM#6, QM#7).
  • Check out the examples folder for more examples of how Mittens can help you and more advanced usage.
  • Comments, discussions, questions, ideas and PRs are most welcome!