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in-app search "interact with result on focus"
in-app search "interact with result on focus" #BUG Windows 10 21H2
video link:- http://discordapp.com/channels/740636963396124714/740636963836788818/987419808129765417
unable to change the folder when using arrow keys. Fs is faster than user selection "unable to select target folder"
This issue has been potentially fixed in version . Changelog - https://install.appcenter.ms/users/adirh3-gmail.com/apps/fluent-search-alpha/distribution_groups/exe
thanx for the fix but there are still issues not fixed [search bar is not hiding in explorer/xyplorer/xplorer2]
windows explorer = selection is working, but it is not selecting all targets, i tested 5 folder, and the first 3 are being selected, last 2 not selected or before last = issue not all are selected / highlighted
xplorer2 + xyplorer = after 2 or 3 selection, fs is freezing
FS 22Apr2023 - WIN 10 22H2 issue still not fixed
This issue has been potentially fixed in version . Changelog - https://install.appcenter.ms/users/adirh3-gmail.com/apps/fluent-search-alpha/distribution_groups/exe - win 10 22h2 23Apr2023
- windows explorer now working better, but it only works with max 4 folders. Above than that not working.
- xplorer2 = not working
- xyplorer = not working, and causes xyplorer to open new instances every-time i choose a folder in fs