robotframework-metrics copied to clipboard
Generation of metrics report based on robotframework output.xml
Robot Framework Metrics Report
Creates custom HTML report (dashboard view) by parsing robotframework output.xml file
How it Works:
file usingrobot.api - ResultVisitor, ExecutionResult
API Link -
Get Suite, Test Case , Keyword , Status and Elapsed time values
Convert data to html report
How to use in project:
Step 1 Install robotmetrics
Case 1: Using pip
pip install robotframework-metrics==3.3.3
Case 2: Using (clone project and run command within root)
python install
Case 3: For latest changes use following command (pre-release or changes in master)
pip install git+
Step 2 Execute robotmetrics command to generate report
Case 1: No change in output.xml file name (assumig user is in same folder)
Case 2: output.xml under 'Result' folder
robotmetrics --inputpath ./Result/ --output output1.xml
For more info on command line options use:
robotmetrics --help
Generate robotframework-metrics after execution
Execute robotmetrics command after suite or test execution as follows:
Create .bat (or) .sh file with following snippet
robot test.robot & robotmetrics [:options]
& is used to execute multiple command's in .bat file
Modify robotmetrics command as required and execute .bat file
Robotframework metrics will be created after execution
If you have any questions / suggestions / comments on the report, please feel free to reach me at
- Email:
[email protected]
Special Thanks To:
Idea, Guidance and Support:
- Steve Fisher
- Goutham Duduka
Pekka Klarck [Author of robotframework]
:star: repo if you like it