adio-theme icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
adio-theme copied to clipboard

Adio is dark theme for terminal, tmux and Vim


Adio is dark theme for iTerm2, tmux and Vim. The Vim colorscheme is made for terminals suporting 256 colors only and the syntax highlighting is based on Molokai colorscheme.


Download adio.itermcolors file somewhere, open iTerm2 app, then go to Preferences-Profiles-Colors-Load Presets-Import... to import it.


Download adio.tmuxcolors file somewhere and source it in your .tmux.conf configuration file:

# in your .tmux.conf
# load tmux colors
source ~/.adio.tmuxcolors  


I've made a separate repository for Vim colorscheme to easily be installed by using a plugin manager like Vundle or Pathogen.

For example, if you have Vundle installed, you just declare the bundle you wish to install in your .vimrc, and then run :BundleInstall Vim command.

Bundle 'adrianolaru/vim-adio'


In case you wonder, my prompt is declared in my bash_profile as:

export PS1='┌─[\[\e[38;5;32m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\[\e[38;5;240m\]$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")\[\e[0m\]]\n└─╼ '

where __git_ps1 is a function from, a bash script that comes with Git.