rofi copied to clipboard
'Error while parsing theme' And 'Parser error: syntax error, unexpected invalid property name, expecting "bracket open ('{')" or "property separator (':')"' Errors
I am using Linux Mint on my desktop machine.
I followed the GitHub README's instructions by doing the following actions:
- I git cloned the directory with this command:
git clone --depth=1
- I then ran the related setup commands:
cd rofi
chmod +x
I then launched 'rofi' and am getting this error:
The following errors were detected when starting rofi:
Error while parsing theme: /home/sam/.config/rofi/config.rasi
Parser error: syntax error, unexpected invalid property name, expecting "bracket open ('{')" or "property separator (':')"
Location: line 54 column 5 to line 54 column 6
File '/home/sam/.config/rofi/config.rasi'
Related screenshot:
Any idea on what I am doing wrong in this scenario?
I was facing this same issue after I installed it today. I fixed it by commenting out the fallback icons (line number 54 to 56) in ~/.config/rofi/config.rasi
/*---------- Fallback Icon ----------*/
/*run,drun {
fallback-icon: "application-x-addon";
My rofi version is 1.7.1
Hey @SamuelBanya and @lap00zza this repository is just for generating config files. You need to update your rofi versions to 1.7.5
Hey @delirehberi use apt-get install --only-upgrade rofi, max we can get on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is 1.71
Also I tried to remove the fallbacks and I get this:
(process:3675341): Helpers.IconFetcher-WARNING **: 13:44:20.173: Failed to load image: Couldn’t recognize the image file format for file “/usr/share/icons/Humanity/devices/24/display.svg”
(process:3675341): Helpers.IconFetcher-WARNING **: 13:44:20.174: Failed to load image: Couldn’t recognize the image file format for file “/snap/audacity/1051/meta/gui/icon.svg”
(process:3675341): Helpers.IconFetcher-WARNING **: 13:44:20.178: Failed to load image: Couldn’t recognize the image file format for file “/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/autokey.svg”
(process:3675341): Helpers.IconFetcher-WARNING **: 13:44:20.182: Failed to load image: Failed to open file “${SNAP}/usr/share/icons/Alacritty.png”: No such file or directory francois@LenovoUbuntu ~/.c/rofi>
@PoutineSyropErable you can build last version for yourself
I haven't done very robust testing, but I was able to get things working in 1.7.3 by separating the run
and drun
fallbacks onto their own lines, so it looks like this:
/*---------- Fallback Icon ----------*/
run {
fallback-icon: "application-x-addon";
drun {
fallback-icon: "application-x-addon";