random.dog icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
random.dog copied to clipboard



Build Status

The nodejs code behind random.dog


  • node@^10.1.0
  • yarn@^1.6.0



  • yarn test
  • yarn tdd

Security Setup

  • /review requires a cookie named bone
    • The value should be some base64 encoded text that, when hashed with bcrypt, matches the hash stored in a file named secret.json located in the project root folder
    • The json in secret.json should be like this:
      • {"secret": "<put hash here>"}
    • Use bcrypt-cli to hash the password to store in the secret.json
    • Example cookie header:
      • Cookie: bone=cGFzc3dvcmQ=


On the GET /woof, GET /woof.json, and GET /doggos endpoints, you may add a query parameter called filter which should have 1 or more file extensions, separated by commas. When hitting any of the above 3 endpoints with the filter param, that endpoint will only return dogs that do not have one of the filtered extensions. There is also an include query param that does the opposite of filter.

Example: GET random.dog/woof?filter=mp4,webm will only return dogs that do not have an extension of mp4 or webm.

Example: GET random.dog/woof?include=mp4,webm will only return dogs that do have an extension of mp4 or webm.