Adele Morrison
Adele Morrison
It's currently breaking on this line: `time = pd.date_range(str(year)+'-02-15', str(year)+'-02-16', freq = 'D', closed = 'left')` with error `TypeError: DatetimeArray._generate_range() got an unexpected keyword argument 'closed'`
Relevant from our recent discussion @Hangyum. Let's make a new example for Hackathon # 4?
Note that issue #48 recommends upgrading one of the Contributed Examples to Documented.
Yep let's ditch them all!
Confirming that the `potrho` coord in MOM5 is `potrho2`.
Regarding this: > > Towards the end of the notebook, it is mentioned that sub mesoscale contributions are not considered. I thought that ty_trans_rho_GM includes the sub mesoscale contribution? >...
Yes that would be awesome. I'd imagine we'd need to rerun a MOM6 simulation and output extra diagnostics?
Good idea to think about this @rbeucher. In many cases it is somewhat arbitrary what data is used in the recipes, and in some we've tried to use lower res...
@rbeucher WOA is definitely a useful one to have in the COSIMA sub-collection of obs datasets for model evaluation. In the past we've found it useful to have this pre-interpolated...