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IO types and classes for Scala.


Gitter chat Travis CI


ǎi you (pronounced like ai-yo) is a romanized spelling of the Chinese phrase 哎呦, which is onomatopoeic for the sound made when surprised, as is often the case when programming with side effects.

aiyou provides IO types and classes for Scala.

import cats.implicits._
import aiyou._
import aiyou.implicits._

object MyApp extends SafeApp {
  def ioAction: IO[Int] = for {
    _ <- IO.print("hello")
    _ <- IO.print(" ")
    _ <- IO.println("world")
  } yield 42

  def foo[F[_]: MonadIO]: F[Int] = ioAction.liftIO[F]

  override def runl(args: List[String]): IO[Unit] = {
    val kleisli = foo[Kleisli[IO, Unit, ?]]
    val ioInt =

The aiyou project and contributors support the Typelevel Code of Conduct and want all its associated channels to be a safe and friendly environment for contributing and learning.

Quick Start

aiyou is natively built against Scala 2.10.x, Scala 2.11.x, 2.12.x, Cats 0.8.1, and Scalaz 7.2.x.

The modules of aiyou are (append -cats or -scalaz to get the full module name for the corresponding environment):

  • core: IO related types and classes
  • laws: laws for the type classes
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")

// Cats
"io.github.adelbertc" %% "aiyou-core-cats" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
"io.github.adelbertc" %% "aiyou-laws-cats" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"

// Scalaz
"io.github.adelbertc" %% "aiyou-core-scalaz" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
"io.github.adelbertc" %% "aiyou-laws-scalaz" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"


Code is provided under the MIT license available at, as well as in the LICENSE file. The design is informed by many other projects, in particular Cats and Scalaz.