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An updated cheat sheet for F# π·π¦πππ€π
F# Cheatsheet π·
An updated cheatsheet for F#.
This cheatsheet glances over some of the common syntax of F#.
- Comments
- Strings
- Types and Literals
- Printing Things
- Loops
- Functions
- Pattern Matching
- Collections
- Tuples and Records
- Discriminated Unions
- Exceptions
- Classes and Inheritance
- Interfaces and Object Expressions
- Casting and Conversions
- Active Patterns
- Compiler Directives
Useful functions
- Mapping functions
- Grouping functions
- Aggregate functions
- Miscellaneous functions
- Array, List and Seq functions
- Acknowledgments
Line comments start from //
and continue until the end of the line. Block comments are placed between (*
and *)
// And this is line comment
(* This is block comment *)
XML doc comments come after ///
allowing us to use XML tags to generate documentation.
/// The `let` keyword defines an (immutable) value
let result = 1 + 1 = 2
The F# string
type is an alias for System.String
type. See Strings.
/// Create a string using string concatenation
let hello = "Hello" + " World"
Use verbatim strings preceded by @
symbol to avoid escaping control characters (except escaping "
by ""
let verbatimXml = @"<book title=""Paradise Lost"">"
We don't even have to escape "
with triple-quoted strings.
let tripleXml = """<book title="Paradise Lost">"""
Backslash strings indent string contents by stripping leading spaces.
let poem =
"The lesser world was daubed\n\
By a colorist of modest skill\n\
A master limned you in the finest inks\n\
And with a fresh-cut quill."
Interpolated strings let you write code in "holes" inside of a string literal:
let name = "Phillip"
let age = 30
printfn $"Name: {name}, Age: {age}"
let str = $"A pair of braces: {{}}"
printfn $"Name: %s{name}, Age: %d{age}" // typed
Types and Literals
Most numeric types have associated suffixes, e.g., uy
for unsigned 8-bit integers and L
for signed 64-bit integer.
let b, i, l, ul = 86uy, 86, 86L, 86UL
// val ul: uint64 = 86UL
// val l: int64 = 86L
// val i: int = 86
// val b: byte = 86uy
Other common examples are F
or f
for 32-bit floating-point numbers, M
or m
for decimals, and I
for big integers.
let s, f, d, bi = 4.14F, 4.14, 0.7833M, 9999I
// val bi: System.Numerics.BigInteger = 9999
// val d: decimal = 0.7833M
// val f: float = 4.14
// val s: float32 = 4.14f
See Literals for complete reference.
keyword is used for definining mutually recursive types and functions:
type A =
| Aaa of int
| Aaaa of C
and C =
{ Bbb : B }
and B() =
member x.Bbb = Aaa 10
Floating point and signed integer values in F# can have associated units of measure, which are typically used to indicate length, volume, mass, and so on:
[<Measure>] type kg
let m1 = 10.0<kg>
let m2 = m1 * 2.0 // type inference for result
let add30kg m = // type inference for input and output
m + 30.0<kg>
add30 2.0<kg> // val it: float<kg> = 32.0
Printing Things
Print things to console with printfn
printfn "Hello, World"
printfn $"The time is {System.DateTime.Now}"
You can also use Console.WriteLine
open System
Console.WriteLine $"The time is {System.DateTime.Now}"
Constrain types with %d
, %s
, and print structured values with %A
let data = [1..10]
printfn $"The numbers %d{1} to %d{10} are %A{data}"
Omit holes and apply arguments:
printfn "The numbers %d to %d are %A" 1 10 data
let list1 = [1; 5; 100; 450; 788]
for i in list1 do
printf "%d" i // 1 5 100 450 788
let seq1 = seq { for i in 1 .. 10 -> (i, i * i) }
for (a, asqr) in seq1 do
// 1 squared is 1
// ...
// 10 squared is 100
printfn "%d squared is %d" a asqr
for i in 1 .. 10 do
printf "%d " i // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
// for i in 10 .. -1 .. 1 do
for i = 10 downto 1 do
printf "%i " i // 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
for i in 1 .. 2 .. 10 do
printf "%d " i // 1 3 5 7 9
for c in 'a' .. 'z' do
printf "%c " c // a b c ... z
// Using of a wildcard character (_)
// when the element is not needed in the loop.
let mutable count = 0
for _ in list1 do
count <- count + 1
let mutable mutVal = 0
while mutVal < 10 do // while (not) test-expression do
mutVal <- mutVal + 1
The let
keyword also defines named functions.
let pi () = 3.14159 // function with no arguments. () is called unit type
pi () // it's necessary to use () to call the function
let negate x = x * -1
let square x = x * x
let print x = printfn $"The number is: %d{x}"
let squareNegateThenPrint x =
print (negate (square x))
Double-backtick identifiers are handy to improve readability especially in unit testing:
let ``square, negate, then print`` x =
print (negate (square x))
Pipe operator
The pipe operator |>
is used to chain functions and arguments together:
let squareNegateThenPrint x =
x |> square |> negate |> print
This operator is essential in assisting the F# type checker by providing type information before use:
let sumOfLengths (xs : string []) =
|> Array.map (fun s -> s.Length)
|> Array.sum
Composition operator
The composition operator >>
is used to compose functions:
let squareNegateThenPrint =
square >> negate >> print
Pattern Matching
Pattern matching is primarily through match
let rec fib n =
match n with
| 0 -> 0
| 1 -> 1
| _ -> fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
Use when
to create filters or guards on patterns:
let sign x =
match x with
| 0 -> 0
| x when x < 0 -> -1
| x -> 1
Pattern matching can be done directly on arguments:
let fst (x, _) = x
or implicitly via function
/// Similar to `fib`; using `function` for pattern matching
let rec fib2 = function
| 0 -> 0
| 1 -> 1
| n -> fib2 (n - 1) + fib2 (n - 2)
See Pattern Matching.
Lists are immutable collection of elements of the same type.
// Lists use square brackets and `;` delimiter
let list1 = ["a"; "b"]
// :: is prepending
let list2 = "c" :: list1
// @ is concat
let list3 = list1 @ list2
// Recursion on list using (::) operator
let rec sum list =
match list with
| [] -> 0
| x :: xs -> x + sum xs
Arrays are fixed-size, zero-based, mutable collections of consecutive data elements.
// Arrays use square brackets with bar
let array1 = [| "a"; "b" |]
// Indexed access using dot
let first1 = array1.[0]
let first2 = array1[0] // F# 6
Sequences == IEnumerable
Sequences are logical series of elements of the same type. Individual sequence elements are computed only as required, so a sequence can provide better performance than a list in situations in which not all the elements are used.
// Sequences can use yield and contain subsequences
seq {
// "yield" adds one element
yield 1
yield 2
// "yield!" adds a whole subsequence
yield! [5..10]
The yield
can normally be omitted:
// Sequences can use yield and contain subsequences
seq {
yield! [5..10]
Mutable Dictionaries (from BCL)
Create a dictionary, add two entries, remove an entry, lookup an entry
open System.Collections.Generic
let inventory = Dictionary<string, float>()
inventory.Add("Apples", 0.33)
inventory.Add("Oranges", 0.5)
inventory.Remove "Oranges"
// Read the value. If not exists - throw exception.
let bananas1 = inventory.["Apples"]
let bananas2 = inventory["Apples"] // F# 6
Additional F# syntax:
// Generic type inference with Dictionary
let inventory = Dictionary<_,_>() // or let inventory = Dictionary()
inventory.Add("Apples", 0.33)
dict == IDictionary in BCL
dict creates immutable dictionaries. You canβt add and remove items to it.
open System.Collections.Generic
let inventory : IDictionary<string, float> =
["Apples", 0.33; "Oranges", 0.23; "Bananas", 0.45]
|> dict
let bananas = inventory.["Bananas"] // 0.45
let bananas2 = inventory["Bananas"] // 0.45, F# 6
inventory.Add("Pineapples", 0.85) // System.NotSupportedException
inventory.Remove("Bananas") // System.NotSupportedException
Quickly creating full dictionaries:
[ "Apples", 10; "Bananas", 20; "Grapes", 15 ] |> dict |> Dictionary
Map is an immutable key/value lookup. Allows safely add or remove items.
let inventory =
Map ["Apples", 0.33; "Oranges", 0.23; "Bananas", 0.45]
let apples = inventory.["Apples"]
let apples = inventory["Apples"] // F# 6
let pineapples = inventory.["Pineapples"] // KeyNotFoundException
let pineapples = inventory["Pineapples"] // KeyNotFoundException on F# 6 too
let newInventory = // Creates new Map
|> Map.add "Pineapples" 0.87
|> Map.remove "Apples"
Safely access a key in a Map by using TryFind. It returns a wrapped option:
let inventory =
Map ["Apples", 0.33; "Oranges", 0.23; "Bananas", 0.45]
inventory.TryFind "Apples" // option = Some 0.33
inventory.TryFind "Unknown" // option = None
Useful Map functions include map
, filter
, partition
let cheapFruit, expensiveFruit =
|> Map.partition(fun fruit cost -> cost < 0.3)
Dictionaries, dict, or Map?
Use Map as your default lookup type:
- Itβs immutable
- Has good support for F# tuples and pipelining.
Use the dict function
- Quickly generate an IDictionary to interop with BCL code.
- To create a full Dictionary.
Use Dictionary:
- If need a mutable dictionary.
- Need specific performance requirements. (Example: tight loop performing thousands of additions or removals).
Generating lists
The same list [ 1; 3; 5; 7; 9 ]
can be generated in various ways.
[ 1; 3; 5; 7; 9 ]
[ 1..2..9 ]
[ for i in 0..4 -> 2 * i + 1 ]
List.init 5 (fun i -> 2 * i + 1)
The array [| 1; 3; 5; 7; 9 |]
can be generated similarly:
[| 1; 3; 5; 7; 9 |]
[| 1..2..9 |]
[| for i in 0..4 -> 2 * i + 1 |]
Array.init 5 (fun i -> 2 * i + 1)
Functions on collections
Lists and arrays have comprehensive functions for manipulation.
transforms every element of the list (or array) -
iterates through a list and produces side effects
These and other functions are covered below. All these operations are also available for sequences.
Tuples and Records
A tuple is a grouping of unnamed but ordered values, possibly of different types:
// Tuple construction
let x = (1, "Hello")
// Triple
let y = ("one", "two", "three")
// Tuple deconstruction / pattern
let (a', b') = x
The first and second elements of a tuple can be obtained using fst
, snd
, or pattern matching:
let c' = fst (1, 2)
let d' = snd (1, 2)
let print' tuple =
match tuple with
| (a, b) -> printfn "Pair %A %A" a b
Records represent simple aggregates of named values, optionally with members:
// Declare a record type
type Person = { Name : string; Age : int }
// Create a value via record expression
let paul = { Name = "Paul"; Age = 28 }
// 'Copy and update' record expression
let paulsTwin = { paul with Name = "Jim" }
Records can be augmented with properties and methods:
type Person with
member x.Info = (x.Name, x.Age)
Records are essentially sealed classes with extra topping: default immutability, structural equality, and pattern matching support.
let isPaul person =
match person with
| { Name = "Paul" } -> true
| _ -> false
Recursive Functions
The rec
keyword is used together with the let
keyword to define a recursive function:
let rec fact x =
if x < 1 then 1
else x * fact (x - 1)
Mutually recursive functions (those functions which call each other) are indicated by and
let rec even x =
if x = 0 then true
else odd (x - 1)
and odd x =
if x = 0 then false
else even (x - 1)
Discriminated Unions
Discriminated unions (DU) provide support for values that can be one of a number of named cases, each possibly with different values and types.
type Tree<'T> =
| Node of Tree<'T> * 'T * Tree<'T>
| Leaf
let rec depth input =
match input with
| Node(l, _, r) -> 1 + max (depth l) (depth r)
| Leaf -> 0
F# Core has a few built-in discriminated unions for error handling, e.g., Option and Result.
Using Option:
let optionPatternMatch input =
match input with
| Some i -> printfn "input is an int=%d" i
| None -> printfn "input is missing"
optionPatternMatch (Some 1)
optionPatternMatch None
Using Result:
let resultPatternMatch input =
match input with
| Ok i -> printfn "Success with code %d" i
| Error e -> printfn "Error with code %d" e
resultPatternMatch (Ok 0)
resultPatternMatch (Error 1)
Single-case discriminated unions are often used to create type-safe abstractions with pattern matching support:
type OrderId = Order of string
// Create a DU value
let orderId = Order "12"
// Use pattern matching to deconstruct single-case DU
let (Order id) = orderId
The failwith
function throws an exception of type Exception
let divideFailwith x y =
if y = 0 then
failwith "Divisor cannot be zero."
else x / y
Exception handling is done via try/with
let divide x y =
Some (x / y)
with :? System.DivideByZeroException ->
printfn "Division by zero!"
The try/finally
expression enables you to execute clean-up code even if a block of code throws an exception. Here's an example which also defines custom exceptions.
exception InnerError of string
exception OuterError of string
let handleErrors x y =
if x = y then raise (InnerError("inner"))
else raise (OuterError("outer"))
with InnerError(str) ->
printfn "Error1 %s" str
printfn "Always print this."
Classes and Inheritance
This example is a basic class with (1) local let bindings, (2) properties, (3) methods, and (4) static members.
type Vector(x: float, y: float) =
let mag = sqrt(x * x + y * y) // (1) - local let binding
member this.X = x // (2) property
member this.Y = y // (2) property
member this.Mag = mag // (2) property
member this.Scale(s) = // (3) method
Vector(x * s, y * s)
static member (+) (a : Vector, b : Vector) = // (4) static method
Vector(a.X + b.X, a.Y + b.Y)
Call a base class from a derived one:
type Animal() =
member _.Rest() = ()
type Dog() =
inherit Animal()
member _.Run() =
Interfaces and Object Expressions
Declare IVector
interface and implement it in Vector'
type IVector =
abstract Scale : float -> IVector
type Vector(x, y) =
interface IVector with
member __.Scale(s) =
Vector(x * s, y * s) :> IVector
member __.X = x
member __.Y = y
Another way of implementing interfaces is to use object expressions.
type ICustomer =
abstract Name : string
abstract Age : int
let createCustomer name age =
{ new ICustomer with
member __.Name = name
member __.Age = age }
Casting and Conversions
int 3.1415 // float to int = 3
int "3" // string to int = 3
float 3 // int to float = 3.0
float "3.1415" // string to float = 3.1415
string 3 // int to string = "3"
string 3.1415 // float to string = "3.1415"
Upcasting is denoted by :>
let dog = Dog()
let animal = dog :> Animal
In many places type inference applies upcasting automatically:
let exerciseAnimal (animal: Animal) = ()
let dog = Dog()
exerciseAnimal dog // no need to upcast dog to Animal
Dynamic downcasting (:?>
) might throw an InvalidCastException
if the cast doesn't succeed at runtime.
let shouldBeADog = animal :?> Dog
Active Patterns
Complete active patterns:
let (|Even|Odd|) i =
if i % 2 = 0 then Even else Odd
let testNumber i =
match i with
| Even -> printfn "%d is even" i
| Odd -> printfn "%d is odd" i
Parameterized, partial active patterns:
let (|DivisibleBy|_|) divisor n =
if n % divisor = 0 then Some DivisibleBy else None
let fizzBuzz input =
match input with
| DivisibleBy 3 & DivisibleBy 5 -> "FizzBuzz"
| DivisibleBy 3 -> "Fizz"
| DivisibleBy 5 -> "Buzz"
| i -> string i
Partial active patterns share the syntax of parameterized patterns but their active recognizers accept only one argument.
Compiler Directives
Load another F# source file into F# Interactive (dotnet fsi
#load "../lib/StringParsing.fs"
Reference a .NET package:
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data" // latest non-beta version
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data,Version=4.2.2" // specific version
Specifying a package source:
#i "nuget: https://my-remote-package-source/index.json"
#i """nuget: C:\path\to\my\local\source"""
Reference a specific .NET assembly file:
#r "../lib/FSharp.Markdown.dll"
Include a directory in assembly search paths:
#I "../lib"
#r "FSharp.Markdown.dll"
Other important directives are conditional execution in FSI (INTERACTIVE
), conditional for compiled code (COMPILED
) and querying current directory (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
let path = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "../lib"
let path = "../../../lib"
Useful functions
identity function (id)
It's useful for cases where you need a lambda like fun x -> x
[[1;2]; [3]] |> List.collect (fun x -> x) // [1; 2; 3]
[[1;2]; [3]] |> List.collect id // [1; 2; 3]
Mapping functions
map (Array, List, Seq)
Converts all the items in a collection from one shape to another shape. Always returns the same number of items in the output collection as were passed in.
// [2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 12; 14; 16; 18; 20]
[1 .. 10] |> List.map (fun n -> n * 2)
type Person = { Name : string; Town : string }
let persons =
{ Name = "Isaak"; Town = "London" }
{ Name = "Sara"; Town = "Birmingham" }
{ Name = "Tim"; Town = "London" }
{ Name = "Michelle"; Town = "Manchester" }
// ["London"; "Birmingham"; "London"; "Manchester"]
persons |> List.map (fun person -> person.Town)
map2, map3 (Array, List, Seq)
map2 and map3 are variations of map that take multiple lists.
The collections must have equal lengths, except for Seq.map2
and Seq.map3
where extra elements are ignored.
let list1 = [1; 2; 3]
let list2 = [4; 5; 6]
let list3 = [7; 8; 9]
// [5; 7; 9]
(list1, list2) ||> List.map2 (fun x y -> x + y)
// [12; 15; 18]
(list1, list2, list3) |||> List.map3 (fun x y z -> x + y + z)
mapi, mapi2 (Array, List, Seq)
mapi and mapi2 - in addition to the element, the function needs to be
passed the index of each element. The only difference mapi2
and mapi
is that mapi2
with two collections.
let list1 = [9; 12; 53; 24; 35]
// [(0, 9); (1, 12); (2, 53); (3, 24); (4, 35)]
list1 |> List.mapi (fun x i -> (x, i))
// [9; 13; 55; 27; 39]
list1 |> List.mapi (fun x i -> x + i)
let list1 = [9; 12; 3]
let list2 = [24; 5; 2]
// [0; 17; 10]
(list1, list2) ||> List.mapi2 (fun i x y -> (x + y) * i)
indexed (Array, List, Seq)
Returns a new collection whose elements are the corresponding elements of the input paired with the index (from 0) of each element.
let list1 = [23; 5; 12]
// [(0, 23); (1, 5); (2, 12)]
let result = list1 |> Array.indexed
iter, iter2, iteri, iteri2 (Array, List, Seq)
iter is the same as a for
loop, the function that you pass in must return unit.
let list1 = [1; 2; 3]
let list2 = [4; 5; 6]
// Prints: 1; 2; 3;
list1 |> List.iter (fun x -> printf "%d; " x)
// Prints: (1 4); (2 5); (3 6);
(list1, list2) ||> List.iter2 (fun x y -> printf "(%d %d); " x y)
// Prints: ([0] = 1); ([1] = 2); ([2] = 3);
list1 |> List.iteri (fun i x -> printf "([%d] = %d); " i x)
// Prints: ([0] = 1 4); ([1] = 2 5); ([2] = 3 6);
(list1, list2) ||> List.iteri2 (fun i x y -> printf "([%d] = %d %d); " i x y)
collect (Array, List, Seq)
collect runs a specified function on each element and then collects the elements generated by the function and combines them into a new collection.
// [0; 1; 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
let list1 = [1; 5; 10]
let list2 = [1; 2; 3]
list1 |> List.collect (fun elem -> [0 .. elem])
// [1; 2; 3; 2; 4; 6; 3; 6; 9]
list2 |> List.collect (fun x -> [for i in 1..3 -> x * i])
// Example 3
type Customer =
Id: int
OrderId: int list
let c1 = { Id = 1; OrderId = [1; 2]}
let c2 = { Id = 2; OrderId = [43]}
let c3 = { Id = 5; OrderId = [39; 56]}
let customers = [c1; c2; c3]
// [1; 2; 43; 39; 56]
let orders = customers |> List.collect(fun c -> c.OrderId)
pairwise (Array, List, Seq)
pairwise takes a collection and returns a new list of tuple pairs of the original adjacent items.
let list1 = [1; 30; 12; 20]
// [(1, 30); (30, 12); (12, 20)]
list1 |> List.pairwise
// [31.0; 11.0; 21.0]
[ DateTime(2010,5,1)
DateTime(2010,7,3) ]
|> List.pairwise
|> List.map(fun (a, b) -> b - a)
|> List.map(fun time -> time.TotalDays)
windowed (Array, List, Seq)
Returns a list of sliding windows containing elements drawn from the input collection. Each window is returned as a fresh collection. Unlike pairwise the windows are collections, not tuples.
// [['a'; 'b'; 'c']; ['b'; 'c'; 'd']; ['c'; 'd'; 'e']]
['a'..'e'] |> List.windowed 3
Grouping functions
groupBy (Array, List, Seq) == GroupBy() in LINQ
groupBy works exactly as the LINQ version does. The output is a collection of simple tuples. The first element of the tuple is the key, and the second element is the collection of items in that group.
type Person =
Name: string
Town: string
let persons =
[ { Name = "Isaak"; Town = "London" }
{ Name = "Sara"; Town = "Birnmingham" }
{ Name = "Tim"; Town = "London" }
{ Name = "Michelle"; Town = "Manchester" } ]
// [("London", [{ Name = "Isaak"; Town = "London" }; { Name = "Tim"; Town = "London" }]);
// ("Birnmingham", [{ Name = "Sara"; Town = "Birnmingham" }]);
// ("Manchester", [{ Name = "Michelle"; Town = "Manchester" }])]
persons |> List.groupBy (fun person -> person.Town)
countBy (Array, List, Seq)
A useful derivative of groupBy is countBy. This has a similar signature, but instead of returning the items in the group, it returns the number of items in each group.
type Person = { Name: string; Town: string }
let persons =
{ Name = "Isaak"; Town = "London" }
{ Name = "Sara"; Town = "Birnmingham" }
{ Name = "Tim"; Town = "London" }
{ Name = "Michelle"; Town = "Manchester" }
// [("London", 2); ("Birnmingham", 1); ("Manchester", 1)]
persons |> List.countBy (fun person -> person.Town)
partition (Array, List)
partition use predicate and a collection; it returns two collections, partitioned based on the predicate:
// Tupled result in two lists
let londonPersons, otherPersons =
persons |> List.partition(fun p -> p.Town = "London")
If there are no matches for either half of the split, an empty collection is returned for that half.
chunkBySize (Array, List, Seq)
chunkBySize groups elements into arrays (chunks) of a given size.
let list1 = [33; 5; 16]
// int list list = [[33; 5]; [16]]
let chunkedLst = list1 |> List.chunkBySize 2
splitAt (Array, List)
splitAt splits an Array (List) into two parts at the index you specify. The first part ends just before the element at the given index; the second part starts with the element at the given index.
let xs = [| 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 |]
let left1, right1 = xs |> Array.splitAt 0 // [||] and [|1; 2; 3; 4; 5|]
let left2, right2 = xs |> Array.splitAt 1 // [|1|] and [|2; 3; 4; 5|]
let left3, right3 = xs |> Array.splitAt 5 // [|1; 2; 3; 4; 5|] and [||]
let left4, right4 = xs |> Array.splitAt 6 // InvalidOperationException
splitInto (Array, List, Seq)
Splits the input collection into at most count chunks.
// [[1; 2; 3; 4]; [5; 6; 7]; [8; 9; 10]]
// note that the first chunk has four elements
[1..10] |> List.splitInto 3
// [[1; 2; 3]; [4; 5; 6]; [7; 8]; [9; 10]]
[1..10] |> List.splitInto 4
// [[1; 2]; [3; 4]; [5; 6]; [7; 8]; [9]; [10]]
[1..10] |> List.splitInto 6
Aggregate functions
Aggregate functions take a collection of items and merge them into a smaller collection of items (often just one).
sum, average, min, max (Array, List, Seq)
All of these functions are specialized versions of a more generalized function fold.
let numbers = [1.0 .. 10.0]
let total = numbers |> List.sum // 55.0
let average = numbers |> List.average // 5.5
let max = numbers |> List.max // 10.0
let min = numbers |> List.min // 1.0
Miscellaneous functions
find (Array, List, Seq) == Single() in LINQ
find - finds the first element that matches a given condition.
let isDivisibleBy number elem = elem % number = 0
let input = [1 .. 10]
input |> List.find (isDivisibleBy 5) // 5
input |> List.find (isDivisibleBy 11) // KeyNotFoundException
findBack (Array, List, Seq)
let isDivisibleBy number elem = elem % number = 0
let input = [1 .. 10]
input |> List.findBack (isDivisibleBy 4) // 8
input |> List.findBack (isDivisibleBy 11) // KeyNotFoundException
findIndex (Array, List, Seq)
let isDivisibleBy number elem = elem % number = 0
let input = [1 .. 10]
input |> List.findIndex (isDivisibleBy 5) // 4
input |> List.findIndex (isDivisibleBy 11) // KeyNotFoundException
findIndexBack (Array, List, Seq)
let isDivisibleBy number elem = elem % number = 0
let input = [1..10]
input |> List.findIndexBack (isDivisibleBy 3) // 8
input |> List.findIndexBack (isDivisibleBy 11) // KeyNotFoundException
head, last, tail, item (Array, List, Seq)
Returns the first, last and all-but-first items in the collection.
let input = [15..22]
input |> List.head // 15
input |> List.last // 22
input |> List.tail // [16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22]
item (Array, List, Seq)
Gets the element at a given index.
let input = [1..7]
input |> List.item 5 // 6
input |> List.item 8 // ArgumentException
take (Array, List, Seq)
Returns the elements of the collection up to a specified count.
let input = [1..10]
input |> List.take 5 // [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
input |> List.take 11 // InvalidOperationException
truncate (Array, List, Seq)
Returns a collection that when enumerated returns at most N elements.
let input = [1..10]
input |> List.truncate 5 // [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
input |> List.truncate 11 // [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
takeWhile (Array, List, Seq)
takeWhile returns each item in a new collection until it reaches an item that does not meet the predicate.
let input = [1..10]
input |> List.takeWhile (fun x -> x / 7 = 0) // [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6]
input |> List.takeWhile (fun x -> x / 17 = 0) // [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
skip (Array, List, Seq)
Returns a collection that skips N elements of the underlying sequence and then yields the remaining elements.
let input = [ for i in 1 .. 10 -> i * i ] // [1; 4; 9; 16; 25; 36; 49; 64; 81; 100]
input |> List.skip 5 // [36; 49; 64; 81; 100]
input |> List.skip 11 // ArgumentException
skipWhile (Array, List, Seq)
Returns a collection, when iterated, skips elements of the underlying array (list, seq) while the given predicate returns true, and then yields the remaining elements.
let mySeq = seq { for i in 1 .. 10 -> i * i } // 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
mySeq |> Seq.skipWhile (fun elem -> elem < 10) // 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
mySeq |> Seq.skipWhile (fun elem -> elem < 101) // Empty seq
exists (Array, List, Seq)
Tests if any element of the collection satisfies the given predicate.
let inputs = [0..3]
inputs |> List.exists (fun elem -> elem = 3) // true
inputs |> List.exists (fun elem -> elem = 10) // false
exists2 (Array, List, Seq)
Tests if any pair of corresponding elements of the collections satisfies the given predicate. The collections must have equal lengths, except for Seq where extra elements are ignored.
let list1to5 = [1 .. 5] // [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
let list0to4 = [0 .. 4] // [0; 1; 2; 3; 4]
let list5to1 = [5 .. -1 .. 1] // [5; 4; 3; 2; 1]
let list6to1 = [6 .. -1 .. 1] // [6; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1]
(list1to5, list5to1) ||> List.exists2 (fun i1 i2 -> i1 = i2) // true
(list1to5, list0to4) ||> List.exists2 (fun i1 i2 -> i1 = i2) // false
(list1to5, list6to1) ||> List.exists2 (fun i1 i2 -> i1 = i2) // ArgumentException
forall (Array, List, Seq)
Tests if all elements of the collection satisfy the given predicate.
let inputs = [2; 4; 6; 8; 10]
inputs |> List.forall (fun i -> i % 2 = 0) // true
inputs |> List.forall (fun i -> i % 2 = 0) // false
forall2 (Array, List, Seq)
Returns true if all corresponding elements of the collection satisfy the given predicate pairwise. The collections must have equal lengths, except for Seq where extra elements are ignored.
let lst1 = [0; 1; 2]
let lst2 = [0; 1; 2]
let lst3 = [2; 1; 0]
let lst4 = [0; 1; 2; 3]
(lst1, lst2) ||> List.forall2 (fun i1 i2 -> i1 = i2) // true
(lst1, lst3) ||> List.forall2 (fun i1 i2 -> i1 = i2) // false
(lst1, lst4) ||> List.forall2 (fun i1 i2 -> i1 = i2) // ArgumentException
contains (Array, List, Seq)
Returns true if a collection contains an equal value:
let rushSet = ["Dirk"; "Lerxst"; "Pratt"]
let gotSet = rushSet |> List.contains "Lerxst" // true
filter, where (Array, List, Seq)
Returns a new collection containing only the elements of the collection for which the given predicate returns true.
let data =
("Elephants",2) ]
// [("Cats", 4); ("Mice", 3)]
data |> List.filter (fun (nm, x) -> nm.Length <= 4)
data |> List.where (fun (nm, x) -> nm.Length <= 4)
length (Array, List, Seq)
Returns the length of the collection.
[ 1 .. 100 ] |> List.length // 100
[ ] |> List.length // 0
[ 1 .. 2 .. 100 ] |> List.length // 50
distinctBy (Array, List, Seq)
Returns a collection that contains no duplicate entries according to the generic hash and equality comparisons on the keys returned by the given key-generating function.
let inputs = [-5 .. 10]
// [-5; -4; -3; -2; -1; 0; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
inputs |> List.distinctBy (fun i -> abs i)
distinct (Array, List, Seq) == Distinct() in LINQ
Returns a collection that contains no duplicate entries according to generic hash and equality comparisons on the entries.
[1; 3; 9; 4; 3; 1] |> List.distinct // [1; 3; 9; 4]
[1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1] |> List.distinct // [1]
[ ] |> List.distinct // error FS0030: Value restriction
sortBy (Array, List, Seq) == OrderBy() in LINQ
Sorts the given collection using keys given by the given projection. Keys are compared using Operators.compare.
[1; 4; 8; -2; 5] |> List.sortBy (fun x -> abs x) // [1; -2; 4; 5; 8]
sort (Array, List, Seq)
Sorts the given list using Operators.compare.
[1; 4; 8; -2; 5] |> List.sort // [-2; 1; 4; 5; 8]
sortByDescending (Array, List, Seq)
[-3..3] |> List.sortByDescending (fun x -> abs x) // [-3; 3; -2; 2; -1; 1; 0]
sortDescending (Array, List, Seq)
[0..5] |> List.sortDescending // [5; 4; 3; 2; 1; 0]
sortWith (Array, List, Seq)
Sorts the given collection using the given comparison function.
let lst = ["<>"; "&"; "&&"; "&&&"; "<"; ">"; "|"; "||"; "|||"]
let sortFunction (str1: string) (str2: string) =
if (str1.Length > str2.Length) then
// ["|"; ">"; "<"; "&"; "||"; "&&"; "<>"; "|||"; "&&&"]
lst |> List.sortWith sortFunction
Array, List and Seq functions
allPairs (Array, List, Seq)
Takes 2 arrays (list, seq), and returns all possible pairs of elements.
let arr1 = [| 0; 1 |]
let arr2 = [| 4; 5 |]
(arr1, arr2) ||> Array.allPairs arr1 arr2 // [|(0, 4); (0, 5); (1, 4); (1, 5)|]
append (Array, List, Seq)
Combines 2 arrays (list, seq).
let list1 = [33; 5; 16]
let list2 = [42; 23; 18]
List.append list1 list2 // [33; 5; 16; 42; 23; 18]
averageBy (Array, List, Seq)
averageBy take a function as a parameter, and this function's results are used to calculate the values for the average.
// val avg1 : float = 2.0
[1..3] |> List.averageBy (fun elem -> float elem)
// val avg2 : float = 4.666666667
[| 1..3 |] |> Array.averageBy (fun elem -> float (elem * elem))
Seq.cache creates a stored version of a sequence. Use Seq.cache to avoid reevaluation of a sequence, or when you have multiple threads that use a sequence, but you must make sure that each element is acted upon only one time. When you have a sequence that is being used by multiple threads, you can have one thread that enumerates and computes the values for the original sequence, and remaining threads can use the cached sequence.
choose (Array, List, Seq)
choose enables you to transform and select elements at the same time.
let list1 = [33; 5; 16]
// [34; 6; 17]
list1 |> List.choose (fun elem -> Some(elem + 1))
compareWith (Array, List, Seq)
Compare two arrays (lists, seq) by using the compareWith function. The function compares successive elements in turn, and stops when it encounters the first unequal pair. Any additional elements do not contribute to the comparison.
let sq1 = seq { 1; 2; 4; 5; 7 }
let sq2 = seq { 1; 2; 3; 5; 8 }
let sq3 = seq { 1; 3; 3; 5; 2 }
let compareSeq seq1 seq2 =
(seq1, seq2 ||> Seq.compareWith (fun e1 e2 ->
if e1 > e2 then 1
elif e1 < e2 then -1
else 0)
let compareResult1 = compareSeq sq1 sq2 // int = 1
let compareResult2 = compareSeq sq2 sq3 // int = -1
concat (Array, List, Seq)
concat is used to join any number of arrays (lists, seq).
// int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9]
List.concat [[1; 2; 3]; [4; 5; 6]; [7; 8; 9]]
Creates a new array that contains elements that are copied from an existing array. The copy is a shallow copy, which means that if the element type is a reference type, only the reference is copied, not the underlying object.
let firstArray : StringBuilder array = Array.init 3 (fun index -> new StringBuilder(""))
let secondArray = Array.copy firstArray
firstArray.[0] <- new StringBuilder("Test1")
firstArray[0] <- new StringBuilder("Test1") // F# 6
firstArray.[1].Insert(0, "Test2") |> ignore
firstArray[1].Insert(0, "Test2") |> ignore // F# 6
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