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An AngularJS directive for the powerful JSSOR slider plugin, jssor.com
An AngularJS directive for the powerful JSSOR slider plugin, jssor.com
dang-jssor was created to make it easy to use the powerful jssor slider in angular applications.
This component depends on the official jssor distribution, available on both jssor.com and the bower repository, bower.io, where it is known as jssor-slider.
- Add a slides-container class to your jssor slides container.
- Add the enable-jssor directive to the container.
- Add a jssor-options attribute to the container. The attribute's value must be a scope variable initialized with an object that represents your slider options.
- Add a jssor-trigger attribute to the container. The value of this attribute must be 'true' or 'false'. A value of 'true' activates the jssor directive. Otherwise, it remains deactivated.
<div class="slides-container" enable-jssor jssor-options="scope-object-variable" jssor-trigger='true'>
<div u="slides">
<div> ... </div>
<!-- Other slides here -->
<!-- Other slider configuration UI definition here -->
See the demo page hosted here. The source of this demo is available here in this repository.
The build system depends on Node.js, and bower npm package. Install this before running the following commands:
Install grunt and its dependencies
npm install
Install bower dependencies
bower install
MIT License