handwriting icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
handwriting copied to clipboard

Conditional handwriting generation in Theano

Conditional handwriting generation


Reproduces Alex Graves paper Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks.
Thanks to Jose Sotelo and Kyle Kastner for helpful discussions.


  • Theano
  • Lasagne (just for the Adam optimizer)
  • Raccoon: version 98b42b21e6df0ce09eaa7b9ad2dd10fcc993dd85

Generate the data

Download the following files and unpack them in a directory named 'handwriting':

  • http://www.fki.inf.unibe.ch/databases/iam-on-line-handwriting-database/download-the-iam-on-line-handwriting-database: the files lineStrokes-all.tar.gz and ascii-all.tar.gz
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/szcom/rnnlib/master/examples/online_prediction/validation_set.txt
  • https://github.com/szcom/rnnlib/blob/master/examples/online_prediction/training_set.txt

Add an environment variable $DATA_PATH containing the parent directory of 'handwriting'.

Train the model

Set an environment variable $TMP_PATH to a folder where the intermediate results, parameters, plots will be saved during training.

If you want to change the training configuration, modify the beginning of main_cond.py. Run main_cond.py. By default, it is a one-layer GRU network with 400 hidden units.
There is no ending condition, so you will have to stop training by doing ctrl+c.

It takes a few hours to train the model on a high-end GPU.

Generate sequences

Run python sample_model.py -f $TMP_PATH/handwriting/EXP_ID/f_sampling.pkl -s 'Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine.' -b 0.7 -n 2 where EXP_ID is the generated id of the experiment you launched.
