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React UI built with @adaptui/react, ariakit & tailwind

AdaptUI React Tailwind

React UI built with @adaptui/react, ariakit & tailwind

Get Started

Documentation & Getting Started


Start the development server

yarn storybook

Build the storybook

yarn build-storybook


Build the components ready for packages with tree shaking ability into dist folder

yarn build


Release a new version

yarn release

Note: Before running,

Create a new Github Token as per the docs and export to the CLI env like export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxx


git add . && yarn commit

Uses gacp

  • Runs Husky to improve the commits.
  • Husky runs Lint Staged as a pre-commit hook to run lintes & formatters
  • Husky lints the commit message with Commitlint

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Navin Moorthy


Anurag Hazra


MC Naveen


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!