adapt-cli copied to clipboard
release/v5: create course fails to load plug-ins
adapt create course "My Course" release/v5
installs the correct fw branch but errors while trying to install the required plug-ins:
Error: { '0': Error: adapt-contrib-vanilla "release/v5" is not a valid constraint
at new constructor (C:\XXX\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v8.12.0\node_modules\adapt-cli\lib\commands\install\InstallTarget.js:31:23)
at C:\XXX\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v8.12.0\node_modules\adapt-cli\lib\commands\install.js:132:26
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at createPlugins (C:\XXX\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v8.12.0\node_modules\adapt-cli\lib\commands\install.js:131:32)
at _fulfilled (C:\XXX\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v8.12.0\node_modules\adapt-cli\node_modules\q\q.js:854:54)
at self.promiseDispatch.done (C:\XXX\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v8.12.0\node_modules\adapt-cli\node_modules\q\q.js:883:30)
at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (C:\XXX\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v8.12.0\node_modules\adapt-cli\node_modules\q\q.js:816:13)
at C:\XXX\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v8.12.0\node_modules\adapt-cli\node_modules\q\q.js:877:14
at runSingle (C:\XXX\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v8.12.0\node_modules\adapt-cli\node_modules\q\q.js:137:13)
at flush (C:\XXX\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v8.12.0\node_modules\adapt-cli\node_modules\q\q.js:125:13)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:132:7)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:181:9) }
( However, adapt create course "My Course" issue/1987
succeeds, installing the required plug-ins.)
adapt-cli: v2.1.8 Tested on Windows 10, node v8.12.0 using git bash Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.1, node v10.16.2
@chucklorenz I think it might be more to do with how the plugins have been specified here than the fault of the CLI
I'm not sure the adapt cli has been set up to allow for plugins to be installed from a specific branch, only from tags or releases. If not then perhaps it should be, I can clearly see that it would be useful here!
@moloko Yes, I'm sure you're correct. My work doesn't need this to be corrected--ended up downloading them manually. Not sure it's worth the time to update the adapt.json. Perhaps there is a value to others in this issue remaining visible until v5 is released? Your call when to close. Thanks!
Yes let's leave - possibly even convert to a feature request