form icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
form copied to clipboard

Super basic form HTML builder, only really exists so I can pull it in for some other more useful projects.

Results 15 form issues
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now with requested changes. See if you can still merge.

The following package has the same purpose, but is not abandoned:

Hi, I think I have resolved a "critical" problem (at least from my usage) with the **data-binding logic**, but I am not familiar with issuing a PR, so I just... ```php return $this->dataGet($target->{$key}, $keyParts, $default); ``` This is not worked for collection in model relations, such as many to many or many to one. i think need this change...

Adds form namespaces. Usage example: ```php Form::name('profile')->open() Form::bind($bindProfileInputs) // Form inputs Form::close() Form::name('survey')->open() Form::bind($bindSurveyInputs) // Form inputs Form::close() ``` If both forms have an explicit namespace, when you submit one...

code is working fine but select field is not selecting value like other fields. Here is code: ````` $frm = new AdamWathan\Form\FormBuilder; $years = ['1990' => 1990, '1991' => 1991,...

I use dimsav/laravel-translatable with adamwathan/form. In this part of code BootForm::bind($model) does not work: ``` {!! BootForm::open()->action( route('catalogs.update', $catalog) )->put() !!} {!! BootForm::bind($catalog) !!} @foreach($locales AS $locale => $localeData) {!!...

Similar to the existing magic attribute setters: ```php Form::text('meme')->lol('catz') // ``` This PR proposes conditional magic attribute setters: ```php Form::text('name')->disabledIf(true) // Form::text('name')->disabledIf(false) // Form::text('name')->maxlengthIf(true, '5') // Form::text('name')->maxlengthIf(false, '5') // ```...

I try: ` BootForm::checkbox('Label name', 'field_name')->addGroupClass('some-css-class'); ` result: ``` Label name ``` - "some-css-class" added in div.checkbox. How can i get next result? ("some-css-class" added in div.form-group) ``` Label name...