Adam Wathan

Results 173 comments of Adam Wathan

Just an update, planning on adding a dependency on the Laravel Socialite package for the next version which will give us Twitter support right out of the box. Hopefully some...

Yeah updating the docs to recommend aliasing it as `SocialAuth` was sort of a quick workaround in the mean time. I think it's a better name overall regardless, the name...

Hey just wanted to let you know this didn't go unnoticed, but haven't had time yet to give it a full look! It's on my to do list though :)...

@rvanbaalen I'm still using it myself but haven't had much stuff I've needed to do on it. All of the providers have been split out into packages like this:

@rvanbaalen it appears not! But it would look something like this if you base your Trello provider on the base OAuth2Provider: ``` php // RobinsAwesomeServiceProvider.php public function boot() { $this->app['adamwathan.oauth']->registerProvider('trello',...

Ah, yeah everything in this package is OAuth 2. I have yet to try to implement an OAuth 1 provider, it might not be possible :(

I think I would be open to dropping the Laravel one and using a singleton just in general honestly. If you want to add the `__callStatic` implementation directly to the...

Are you able to reproduce this in a test by any chance? We have this test that appears to show this behavior working as expected: The expected output in...

I'm not worried about the descriptions at all, honestly. Will merge this if you can fix the merge conflicts @bussnet, thanks!

Ugh this is a shitty tricky problem. I think your idea of converting everything to a string representation is the way to go. I'm gonna mark this as an enhancement...