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KTU S3 Data structures lab programs
Data Structures Lab
KTU 2019 Sylabus
Table of contents
1) Application of Arrays | Basic programs
2) sparse matrix
3) Stack
4) Linked List
5) Queue
6) Double Linked List
7) Trees
8) Sorting Techniques
1) Basic programs
- count character
- hexhexadecimal equivalent
- Intersection
- Mean median mode
2) sparse matrix
- poly add
- evalaute polynomial
- sparse matrix representation
- Sparsity sum
- Transporse matrix
3) stack
- stack using array
- multiple stack
- min element in stack
- check if it is balanced
- decimal to binary
- infix to postfix
- infix to prefix
- check if it is palindrome
- postfix evaluation
- sorted stack
4) linked list
- implement linked list
- stack using linked list
- delete node, data is given
- insert at the given position
- insert before a node
- insert after a node
- reverse a linked list
- search in a linked list
- smallest element in a linked list
- sorted linked list
5) queue
- queue using array
- queue using linked list
- priority queue
- dequeue using DLL
- circular queue using linked list
- circular queue using array
6) Double Linked List
- circular linked list
- delete a node, data given
- delete a node, position is given
- delete smallest element
- insert after a node
- insert node at a position
- insert before a node
- polynomial addition
- polynomial subtraction
- polynomial multplication
7) Trees
- binary search tree
- delete a node
- level order
- searching
- inorder preorder postorder
8) Searching techniques
- binary search
- bubble sort
- exchange sort
- heap sort
- insertion sort
- linear search
- merge sort
- quick sort
- selection sort