thor-wordpress icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
thor-wordpress copied to clipboard

A set of Thor tasks to make developing with Wordpress easier

Thor WordPress: A set of Thor tasks to make developing with WordPress easier

Before going ANY FURTHER. If you are going to use Thor-Wordpress it's not required, but suggested that you look haml, compass and compass-wordpress.

The Compass-Wordpress gem helps with creating and installing Wordpress themes using Sass and Compass.

Install the Thor-Wordpress tasks:

thor install

Install WordPress with Thor

Change directory to the directory you want to install WordPress in. You'll be asked if you want to install Thematic and also Starkers. These instructions assume you say yes to Thematic.

cd ~/Sites/mysite/
thor wp:install

Change directory to the theme directory

cd wp-content/themes/

Create your new theme directory

mkdir mytheme
cd mytheme/

Install your new theme with Thor. This assumes that you said yes to using installing Thematic and by default unpacks the Thematic project template located inside the Compass-Wordpress gem.

thor wp:install:theme --theme=<theme>

Use rsync to deploy your theme

To use rsync to deploy your Wordpress app or theme, you will need to generate a deploy config to your current directory.

Thor-Wordpress will create a deploy.yaml file for you in your current directory. You will need to update this Yaml file with the name of your theme and server details to enable rsync deployment.

thor wp:generate:deploy_config

Once deploy.yaml is in place you can run this command to deploy your theme to your server.

thor wp:deploy:theme

Thor-WordPress tasks

wp:install:wordpress [--thematic] [--directory=DIRECTORY] [--thematic] [--version=VERSION]
# Download and unpack WordPress from the interwebs (Default task)

wp:install:theme --theme=<theme> --directory=<directory> [--directory=DIRECTORY] [--theme=THEME]
# Unpacks the specified <theme> from the compass-wordpress gem

# Clears and Generates the styles (Default task)

# Clears the styles

# Runs compass --watch

# Deploys the theme (Default task)

# Deploys the app

# Generates the deploy.yaml file


Adam Stacoviak and Wynn Netherland
