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Unrealistic perplexity
I'm trying to evaluate 5-gram model on a Vietnamese corpus but the perplexity
doesn't seem to be right...
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Download and extract
2. Follow the README file
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The result from BerkeleyLM and SRILM should be comparable but in fact
BerkeleyLM return an unrealistic perplexity of around 1.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
1.1.5 on Ubuntu.
Please provide any additional information below.
Original issue reported on by [email protected]
on 12 Feb 2014 at 3:27
Sorry for taking so long to get back. My first guess is that it has something
to do with the score for unseen words. Can you verify that running scoring the
data you generated the LM from (so that there are no unknown words) with both
SRILM and BerkeleyLM gives similar results? Otherwise, it might be some ugly
character encoding issues.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 18 Feb 2014 at 12:09
It is better but still an order of magnitude smaller (in absolute value)
than that of SRILM. My corpus is encoded in UTF-8. Vietnamese text makes
heavy use of accented characters which cannot be represented in ASCII.
$ . ./
$ java -ea -mx1000m -server -cp berkeleylm.jar 5
$ java -ea -mx1000m -server -cp berkeleylm.jar segmented.binary
$ java -ea -mx1000m -server -cp berkeleylm.jar segmented.binary
Log probability of text is: *-67358.47160708543*
$ ngram-count -ukndiscount -order 5 -lm -text
$ ngram -lm -ppl $SEGMENTED_CORPUS_TRAIN
file segmented.train.txt: 68197 sentences, 1.54738e+06 words, 0 OOVs
0 zeroprobs, logprob= *-3.16751e+06* ppl= 91.3297 ppl1= 111.435
Original comment by [email protected]
on 18 Feb 2014 at 12:26
Interesting. Full disclosure: I don't have time to do real debugging anymore
myself, so I think you're largely on your own. SRILM by default does different
things with modified KN smoothing and computation of discount factors. At one
point, I made sure they did exactly the same thing for some simplified settings
of SRILM, but I couldn't tell you what those settings are.
If I were you, I check very short sentence with very common words. Most of the
difference between SRILM and BerkeleyLM happens for low-count words, so the
difference should shrink if that's all that's going on.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 18 Feb 2014 at 12:42