Adam Lamar
Adam Lamar
@mgautierfr I believe this line is blocking the `BackgroundDownloader`'s event loop: > So the idea is to NOT get the lock when doing rpc call The RPC call _is_...
On the lock in aria2.cpp, I don't know if it would make a difference in kiwix-desktop because there is only one thread trying to invoke the downloader at any given...
I looked into this problem but I'm not sure what a good solution would be. Because a file and directory can't share the same name on linux, some redirects in...
I'm able to see and understand the printed exception. The problem is the `--redirect` option can't save everything due to shared file and directory names. Either the symlink creation fails,...
I can try the Qt 6.5 upgrade on Linux pretty easily. Last time I was never able to get a local Windows development environment working and had to rely on...
I finally got Qt6.5 compiled from source on Ubuntu 22.04. kiwix-desktop compiles and seems to work fine, although I must be missing compile-time options or optional libraries because the browser...
Yep! Closing
Is there an example zim file available that has this problem?
Gotcha, thank you! Looking forward to the layouts and error pages too.