Adam Khan
Adam Khan
Thanks for the quick response. I'm just not sure how to go about doing this within `nuxt.config.js` rather than in a .vue component file. Well, if I figure it out...
I'll look into that. What might be simpler for me as well, coming from a monolithic CMS background, is the completely different approach of creating a new layout for feeds....
Right now this alternative approach to your feed module looks to me not possible in Nuxt, because the doctype is set in the the View, and only one View can... is a standard that more readers are handling.
Thanks for making and releasing this. I'm hunting around for a way to do this for images brought into Nuxt via Apollo from the site's content store (Strapi). I presume...
+1. v-html is how Vue is supposed to work, given that they deprecated the triple moustache. I at least can't really use Text Highlight without this.
@manon Absolutely it's disappointing what Apple did, but they have created fields that help with the presentation/layout of feeds, which therefore seem to me worth considering for emulation. Of particular...
@j-f1 First sentence in their Overview: > Apple News Format is the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format you use to create articles for Apple News.
This is important for my migration also. With many components, it's a lot to convert them all immediately to Composition API. Pinia has it, see [vitkolos]( congrats! What is...
Thanks @vitkolos. I installed vue-apollo and didn't have @vue/apollo-option so installed that as well but am still getting > TypeError: this.$apollo.query is not a function I guess more needs to...