BottomSheet copied to clipboard
Access UISheetPresentationController in SwiftUI on iOS 15 using a simple .bottomSheet modifier.
BottomSheet makes it easy to take advantage of the new UISheetPresentationController in SwiftUI with a simple .bottomSheet modifier on existing views.
- Requirements
- Integration
- Presenting the Sheet
- Customizing the Sheet
- iOS 15+
- Xcode 13+
Swift Package Manager
BottomSheet can be added to your app via Swift Package Manager in Xcode using the following configuration:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.1.3")
To get started with BottomSheet, you'll need to import the framework first:
import BottomSheet
Presenting the Sheet
You can then apply the .bottomSheet modifier to any SwiftUI view, ensuring you attach a binding to the isPresented property - just like the standard .sheet modifier:
.bottomSheet(isPresented: $isPresented) {
Text("Hello, world!")
BottomSheet also supports passing an Optional item to it, displaying the sheet if the item is not nil:
.bottomSheet(item: $item) {
Text("Hello, world!")
Customizing the Sheet
BottomSheet can be customized in the same way a UISheetPresentationController can be customized in UIKit. This is done by specifying additional properties in the modifier:
isPresented: $isPresented,
detents: [.medium(), .large()],
largestUndimmedDetentIdentifier: .large,
prefersGrabberVisible: true,
prefersScrollingExpandsWhenScrolledToEdge: true,
prefersEdgeAttachedInCompactHeight: false,
widthFollowsPreferredContentSizeWhenEdgeAttached: false,
onDismiss: { print("Dismissed") }
) {
Text("Hello, world!")
For more information on UISheetPresentationController, read Apple's documentation:
Please note BottomSheet is currently missing the ability to be resized programmatically as the delegate doesn't work in iOS 15 beta 1. You may also run into issues when used on an iPad with multi-window support and have multiple instances of the same app side-by-side running.