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A Ruby Memoization Helper


Memist is a tiny library to help with memoizing values in Ruby classes. There are many other memoization libraries around but Memist provides more invalidation than others. Let's jump right into a demonstration.

class Person

  include Memist::Memoizable

  attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :date_of_birth

  def age
  memoize :age

  # Memist can also cache the results from methods that accept a single
  # argument. The cache will be based on the argument provided.
  def tweets(username)
  memoize :tweets


Here you can see we have a method called age which generates a person's age based on on their date_of_birth. It returns an integer. Each time we run this method, we don't want to go to the extra power of calcuating the age, so we want to cache the value for this instance. To do this, we just add the memoize method to our object.

person =
person.date_of_birth =, 6, 10)
person.age      #=> 29 (retrieved by calculation)
person.age      #=> 29 (retrieved from the cache based)


Simple. Just add the gem to your Gemfile.

gem 'memist', '~> 2.0'


Firstly, include Memist::Memozation in any class you wish to add memoization to. Then, you need to specify which fields you want to be memoized in your objects. You do this by calling memoize as shown above.

Other handy methods

person =
person.date_of_birth =, 6, 10)

# Access the raw underlying without any memoization
person.age_without_memoization    #=> 29

# Clear the cache for all methods on the model

# Clear the cache for a single method on the model

# Find out of a vale is memoized or not? When the value has been returned from
# memoized cache, it will be true otherwise it will be false.
person.memoized?(:age)    #=> false
person.memoized?(:age)    #=> true

# Disable memoization for all calls to memoized methods for a
# block of code
person.without_memoization do
  person.age                #=> 29 [no cache]
  person.memoized?(:age)    #=> false
  person.age                #=> 29 [no cache]