Michael Manganiello

Results 39 comments of Michael Manganiello

That error will require more coordination with other modules. The issue is that `cloudposse/terraform-aws-codebuild` uses `source.auth` dynamic blocks ([reference](https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-codebuild/blob/dac7df9798eb4e7211e45c182f1b5a46c5218ae4/main.tf#L414-L420)), which were removed from the AWS provider version 5 ([notes from...

I have created https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-codebuild/pull/123, in case we want to go with the upstream fix. It will require releasing a new version for `cloudposse/codebuild/aws` and `cloudposse/ecs-codepipeline/aws`, to then refresh this PR.

Yeah, it seems these examples haven't been tested by the CI in a while. But we will figure it out! The PR is already using the latest version for the...

After debugging the current issue, I have found that we need to avoid the example from trying to create ACLs for the ALB's access logs bucket. There are two options...

@Neywiny, if this change is still relevant, I can help you to rebase the branch.

Looking forward to see this merged! At the moment, this container is the only one I use where I'm forced to use `latest` or an image digest, instead of a...

I found that removing the caching logic from the [`gl.Painter.getTexture` method](https://github.com/fyne-io/fyne/blob/4f9d61ba12098967e512ececa047cba0365273cd/internal/painter/gl/texture.go#L32) fixed the linear gradient. After debugging, I found that: 1. On gradient creation, the gradient size is 1x1. A...

I have created #4693 with a possible approach. @nchistov, I was able to reproduce the issue and can confirm that change fixes it. However, feel free to test it on...

I have found the same issue, when DBT variables include single quotes. This is the debug log for the query: ```sql insert into DBT.ARTIFACTS.invocations select $1, $2, $3, $4, $5,...