
Results 35 issues of Adam

Constantly logging these messages at warning level is not useful. #105

Currently the kxb Gradle plugin uses Kotlin Gradle Plugin to compile the project. However, Gradle uses [an embedded version of Kotlin]( Using KGP is problematic for a few reasons....

Source code generation is very similar for Native, JS, and Wasm platforms. > This and `GenerateWasmSourceWorker` are almost identical. The only exceptions are `useBenchmarkJs` param and a platform supplied to...

kotlinx-benchmark uses a utility to create a new D8Exec task. However, the signature of this method changed in KGP 2.0 `compilation: KotlinJsCompilation` changed to `compilation: KotlinJsIrCompilation` This causes...

Test the DGPv2 examples by comparing using golden testing. The example projects are executed using Gradle TestKit. The generated Dokka output is compared against data committed into the directory `./dokka-integration-tests/gradle/src/testExampleProjects/expectedData/`...

runner: Gradle plugin


runner: Gradle plugin

WIP Fix [KT-70855](

runner: Gradle plugin

Follow up for #3876 When Dokka produces 'partial' Modules it stores them in a project-local directory. How Dokka processes Modules is an implementation detail, so exposing the directory is not...

runner: Gradle plugin

Log using the root-most Gradle project, taking composite builds into account. [KT-71254](

runner: Gradle plugin