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Neo4j connector for Vue.js


A Vue.js plugin that allows you to connect directly to Neo4j inside the browser using the bolt protocol.


vue-neo4j can be installed via npm.

npm install --save vue-neo4j

Once installed, Import or require the plugin into your project and use Vue.use to register the plugin.

import Vue from 'Vue'
import VueNeo4j from 'vue-neo4j'



Once installed, a $neo4j property will be added to all Vue components.

    <input v-model="protocol">
    <input v-model="host">
    <input v-model="port">
    <input v-model="username">
    <input v-model="password">
    <button @click="connect()">Connect</button>

export default {
    name: 'MyComponent',
    data() {
        return {
            protocol: 'bolt',
            host: 'localhost',
            port: 7687,
            username: 'neo4j',
            password: 'trustno1'
    methods: {
        connect() {
            return this.$neo4j.connect(this.protocol,, this.port, this.username, this.password)
                .then(driver => {
                    // Update the context of your app
        driver() {
            // Get a driver instance
            return this.$neo4j.getDriver()
        testQuery() {
            // Get a session from the driver
            const session = this.$neo4j.getSession()

            // Or you can just call this.$, params)
  'MATCH (n) RETURN count(n) AS count')
                .then(res => {
                .then(() => {


Param Type Description
String protocol Connection protocol. Supports bolt or bolt+routing
String host Hostname of Neo4j instance
Number port Neo4j Port Number (7876)
String username Neo4j Username
String password Neo4j Password
Boolean encrypted Force an encrypted connection?

Returns a Promise. Resolves to an instance of the Neo4j driver.


Returns the last connected driver instance. This method will throw an error if no connection has been made.


Returns the new session from the driver. This method will throw an error if no connection has been made. Options is an optional object containing options for the session, for example the database or default access mode.


Sets the default database that will be used if a database hasn't been supplied.


Returns the name of the default database chosen at connection.

this.$, params, options)

Creates a new session in the current driver, runs the query, closes the session and returns the Neo4j result object in one go. Options is an optional object containing options for the session, for example the database or default access mode.

    name: 'Profile',
    data() {
        return {
            username: 'adam',
            user: false
    methods: {
        getUser() {
            const query = 'MATCH (u:User { username: $username }) RETURN u LIMIT 1'
            const params = { username: this.username };

            this.$, params, {database: 'foo'})
                .then(res => {
                    const user = res.records[0].get('u');
                    this.user = user;

Neo4j Desktop

This plugin contains some handy functions for integrating with Neo4j Desktop. The this.$neo4j.desktop provides helpers for getting the context, active graph configuration/credentials and a function to connect directly to the active graph.

  • connectToActiveGraph
  • executeJava
  • getActiveBoltCredentials
  • getActiveGraph
  • getContext
  • getGraphQLClient


Connect to the active graph started in Desktop.

    .then(driver => {

Connect Form Component

The Connect component will pull all projects and graphs from the Desktop context and allow. you to choose which project and graph to connect to. The onConnect and onConnectError functions will be trigged on successful connection or when a connection error is thrown. This will allow you to set the current state. The showActive button allows you to show or hide the 'Active', which when clicked will search for an active graph and attempt to connect.

The form elements are styled with Bootstrap classes. You can target the elements within the form by using the .vue-neo4j.connect class which is applied to the parent.

        :showActive="true" />

export default {
    name: 'MyComponent',
    methods: {
        myOnConnect(driver) {
        myOnConnectError(error) {

.vue-neo4j.connect {
    background: blue;

Component Props

Prop Type Description Default
onConnect Function Callback function for when a driver connection has been made () => {}
onConnectError Function Callback function for when there is a problem connecting with the supplied credentials e => console.error(e)
showActive Boolean Show a button to connect to the current active graph? true
showProjects Boolean Show the list of projects rather than a form with host, port, username etc. true
showDatabase Boolean Show an input for the default database to instantiate the driver with true
protocol String The default protocol to display in the connect form 'neo4j'
host String The default host to display in the connect form 'localhost'
port [Number, String] The default port to display in the connect form 7687
database String The default database to display in the connect form ''
username String The default username to display in the connect form 'neo4j'
password String The default password to display in the connect form ''

Database Information

The Neo4jDatabaseInformation component will take the information from the driver and display it in a UI component. It will also supply a dropdown of values that when clicked will change the default database for queries.

    openIcon="angle up"
    closeIcon="angle down"

Component Props

Prop Type Description Default
allowChangeToSystem Boolean Allow the user to switch to the system database false
onDatabaseChange Function Function that is called when the user changes the database () => {}
openIcon String Icon from Semantic UI to display when the database list is closed angle up
closeIcon String Icon from semantic UI to display when the database list is open angle down