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Kerberos native library for Node.js
Kerberos for Node.js
krb5 is a Node.js native binding for Kerberos. It is a Node.js implementation of Kerberos client tools:
- kinit (keytab, or password): retrieve initial credentials;
- kdestroy: destroy a credential cache;
- spnego: generate a SPNEGO token.
It uses the MIT Kerberos native library.
SPNEGO is a GSS mechanism to authenticate through HTTP requests.
To build this module, you need MIT Kerberos library. Refer to the section corresponding to your operating system:
- Archlinux
pacman -S krb5 npm install krb5
- RHEL/Centos
yum install -y krb5-devel npm install krb5
- Ubuntu
apt-get install -y libkrb5-dev npm install krb5
- MacOS
brew install krb5 export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/krb5/lib" export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/krb5/include" npm install krb5
- Windows
choco install mitkerberos --install-arguments="ADDLOCAL=all" npm install krb5
Python >=3.6 must be available in your path. You can check it by running python --version
. It should display something like "Python 3.6.15". If not, you must ensure that python 3 is used, for by placing back the original path: PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH" npm install
To compile this library on windows, you need a complete visual studio compile chain, please refer to the node-gyp instructions. If you have a 32 bit OS, please delete binding.gyp
and rename _binding32.gyp
before install.
To install the kerberos headers needed for the build, you need to tick the "SDK" options. It is disabled by default.
Install curl for z/OS and gzip for z/OS, then follow the instruction here.
Manual compilation of MIT Kerberos
Follow these instructions if you wish to manually install MIT Kerberos (in case your distribution packet manager does not have a corresponding package for example).
tar -xzf krb5-1.16.1.tar.gz
cd krb5-1.16.1/src
sudo make install
The latest version downloaded with wget
can be found here.
Compiling from the source of MIT Kerberos requires python3
, make
, gcc
), bison
If you want to install MIT Kerberos in another directory (default is "/usr/local"), specify a --prefix
option to ./configure
If kerberos is installed in a directory not included in include and/or library path (if you have manually compiled kerberos in a specific directory for example), please modify the binding.gyp present in the package root folder with the following properties:
'targets': [{
'target_name': 'krb5',
'include_dirs': [
'libraries': [
or you can specify the following environment variables to npm install
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/path/to/kerberos/include"
export LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/kerberos/lib"
Install node-krb5 on z/OS
- run the following command to install krb5 libraries for z/OS (it requires curl for z/OS and gzip for z/OS)
_ENCODE_FILE_NEW=BINARY curl --output v1.16.3-zos.tar.gz
gzip -d v1.16.3-zos.tar.gz
tar -xfUXo v1.16.3-zos.tar
chtag -tc 819 -R ./libkrb5-zos-1.16.3-zos
chtag -b -R ./libkrb5-zos-1.16.3-zos/lib
- set the following environment variable
export KRB5_HOME=/path/to/libkrb5-zos-1.16.3-zos
npm install node-krb5
Remember to specify your krb5.conf
export KRB5_CONFIG=/path/to/krb5.conf
Quick example
- Retrieve a SPNEGO token for a service
In this example we want to retrieve a token to access a REST API of the service HBase, located on the host m01.krb.local
// Get the initial credentials using a keytab
principal: 'hbase/m01.krb.local',
keytab: '/tmp/hbase.service.keytab',
realm: 'KRB.LOCAL',
}, function (err, ccname) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('Credentials saved in', ccname)
// Get the SPNEGO token
service_fqdn: 'm01.krb.local'
}, function (err, token) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('SPNEGO token :', token)
You can also use promises.
principal: 'hbase/m01.krb.local',
keytab: '/tmp/hbase.service.keytab',
realm: 'KRB.LOCAL',
}).then(function (ccname) {
console.log('Credentials saved in', ccname)
return krb5.spnego({
hostbased_service: '[email protected]'
}).then(function (token) {
console.log('SPNEGO token :', token)
}).catch(function (err) {
For more examples, see the samples and test directories.
kinit(options, callback)
Retrieve initial credentials (Ticket Granting Ticket)
Kerberos principal username@REALM or username. If realm is given, overrides the realm option. -
One of both should be given for authentication. -
Kerberos realm (usually capitalized domain name). If this is not specified, use the default realm from/etc/krb5.conf
. -
Credential cache location. If this is not specified, default path is taken from environment variableKRB5CCNAME
, then from/etc/krb5.conf
Callback parameters:
Should beundefined
. Otherwise it contains an error message. -
Credential path location used to store initial credentials.
spnego(options, callback)
Retrieve a SPNEGO token.
In order to retrieve a SPNEGO token to access a service, you first need an initial ticket (TGT) which you can get with kinit
Hostbased service should be of the formservice@fqdn
. If you only pass the fully qualified domain namefqdn
, it will default toHTTP@fqdn
It will be resolved to the corresponding principalservice/fqdn@REALM
by the GSS-API. To use the principal directly, use theservice_principal
option instead. -
Principal of the service. -
Location of the credential cache storing the initial ticket. If not specified, default path is taken.
Callback parameters:
Should beundefined
. Otherwise contains GSS API major error code. -
The SPNEGO token to access the service. It can then be added to the header of the HTTP requestAuthorization: Negociate {token}
kdestroy (options, callback)
: destroys credential cache
Credential cache location. If this is not specified, default path is taken from environment variableKRB5CCNAME
, then from/etc/krb5.conf
Callback parameters:
Should beundefined
. Otherwise it contains an error message.
Run the tests
To run the tests in a container:
cd docker && ./run_tests $os
Available $os
: archlinux / ubuntu / centos7
To test this module locally, run the KDC and REST dockers, and use the corresponding krb5.conf (bcakup your own if you need it later):
cd docker
mkdir -p /tmp/krb5_test
docker-compose up -d kerberos
docker-compose up -d rest
sudo mv /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf.backup
sudo cp /tmp/krb5_test/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf
npm test