Adafruit_TSL2561 copied to clipboard
Questions about this new library version
I'm updating my TSL2561 library on arduino IDE and notice the many changes and have some questions:
(1) - Is it still possible to get Channel 0 and channel 1 (Full light and IR light) datas instead of getting only the result (global Lux)? If yes, how to do that? -Edit- I tried to adapt the example like this:
void loop(void)
uint16_t broadband, infrared;
/* Get a new sensor event */
sensors_event_t event;
/* Display the results (light is measured in lux) */
if (event.light)
Serial.print(event.light); Serial.print(" lux\t");
tsl.getLuminosity(&broadband, &infrared);
Serial.print(broadband); Serial.print(" full\t");
Serial.print(infrared); Serial.println(" Ir");
/* If event.light = 0 lux the sensor is probably saturated
and no reliable data could be generated! */
Serial.println("Sensor overload");
Is It a right way? I'm not familiar with this event call. Will getluminosity() results corresponding to the event time? Or will it return before/after measurements?
(2) - How is the events part working? when I set the sensor integration time to 402ms, the event shouldn't comes before at least 402ms, but the results are coming right after the tsl.getEvent(&event); call
(3) - The disable() function that powering off the sensor is call without waiting the sensor event ? (PS: In cpp enable() / disable() functions shouldn't be after "private" comment ? ) -Edit- OKay, there is a delay in getData function. So isn't it a "real" event work? (with timeout for example?)
(4) - Why is the I2C address set at declaration of the object and not at the begin() call like many other sensors library's? I would like to do some multiple sensors detection by scanning I2C bus and then begin each of them with their own address. But if the declaration already set the address I can't set it in the setup() section.
PS : Sorry for my poor English level.