Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoPixel copied to clipboard
Breaking change somewhere in recent Raspberry Pi OS update
Yesterday, did an upgrade on some Raspberry Pi 3B+ that use this library to drive a newpixel ring as part of an interface application. After the upgrade, the rings stopped functioning - even the example scripts provided in the repo fail to display properly. On the off-chance that something went wrong with the upgrade, I tried a fresh image on a fresh SD card and installed only this library but got the same results. Of the 24 neopixels in the ring. only the first 4 or 5 do anything and they tend to be flickering random colours, mainly greens, blue and sometimes white. It's not a hardware fault as if I transfer the ring to another device that hasn't been upgraded it works perfectly.
we haven't had any changes to this repo in quite a while (other than documentation) maybe check your voltages, try powering the ring from 3.3V @makermelissa it could also be due to the SPI DMA firmware update/bug?
It's possible, though I don't think this library uses SPI. @bluesign2k, when you say "did an upgrade", do you mean you updated the Raspberry Pi Linux environment or Adafruit-Blinka or both?
Sorry, yes, when I said I 'did an upgrade', I meant I did a 'sudo apt upgrade', not updating the library - I wasn't referring to there being a breaking change in this library, but more that this library now seems to be incompatible with at least the latest official Raspberry Pi OS release. @makermelissa Initially I updated the RPi Linux environment, but I effectively did both in a later test when I tried with a fresh Linux image and a fresh install of this library....and it still didn't work. I'll try powering the ring with 3.3v, but I'm not sure it'll sort it.
Thanks, it helps to get an idea of where to check for things to fix/recreate. You can try this page and see if it helps:
I've setup a new Pi3A+ with the latest OS image and as I'd experienced previously, this failed to work. This was kernel version 1.20210108-1
. uname -a
Linux pi3a 5.4.83-v7+ #1379 SMP Mon Dec 14 13:08:57 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux
I then followed the instruction in the guide that @makermelissa posted to roll back the kernel version to 20201126-1
, and that made no difference - the ring still just glows random green/white colours randomly. uname -a
Linux pi3a 5.4.79-v7+ #1373 SMP Mon Nov 23 13:22:33 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux
I also tried on an old Pi3B+ that I'd been using for something else - I upgraded everything including the kernel up to 1.20210108-1
and this works fine. I'm stumped as to why this one is working, but thre's a clearly a difference.
Ok thanks, that helps. The other issue seemed to only affect the Pi 4 as well.
Its taken a while, but I've found the package that causing the problem, albeit not specifically why (and tbh, I'm not going to try to look into why either).
I started by downloading an old OS image back from the middle of last year (2020-08-20-raspios-buster-armhf
) and slowly went through the list of available upgrades until it died. I eventually found that if I put a hold on all the raspberry pi core packages (sudo apt-mark hold libraspberrypi* raspberrypi*) but then removed the hold only on raspberrypi-ui-mods
then pulseaudio
was one of the packages it installed, and it was this that killed it.
I've since tried removing this package both on a system that I broke last week when I did a full upgrade, and on a fresh image of the latest OS download, and both now work. So for now, if anyone else experience the problem, just sudo apt remove pulseaudio
and reboot :)
@bluesign2k Thanks for sharing your solution. I also had the problem, that with the actual Raspi OS the pixel behaved crazy.
removing pulseaudio did the trick for me too.
Hi, I also have a strange behavior here, on a Raspberry 3B+.
I can change the colors of the 24 leds of the ring 1 time, but then they are (almost) always white. The strange part is that if I move a window quickly on the rasp (like the terminal or Thonny IDE) then the leds are updated with the correct colors. I have tried to remove pulseaudio and reboot but no change.
@makermelissa I think the library uses SPI as if I disable it on the pi I got a runtime error.
Here is a simple code which is supposed to switch between a blue and a red ring every 2 seconds (but does blue then white):
# see
import board
import neopixel
from time import sleep
pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D10, 24, brightness=0.3, auto_write=False, pixel_order=neopixel.GRB);
while True:
I've since tried removing this package both on a system that I broke last week when I did a full upgrade, and on a fresh image of the latest OS download, and both now work. So for now, if anyone else experience the problem, just
sudo apt remove pulseaudio
and reboot :)
Thanks, I ran into exactly the same issue today. Removing Pulse Audio worked for me as well but I actually want it. I ended up using the NeoPixel SPI library as a workaround - it plays nicely with Pulse Audio.
Removing pulseaudio didn't work for me, but completely disabling the audio on the raspberry pi did.
According to the instructions on this site:
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
- Add tihis line to the file, and save:
blacklist snd_bcm2835
- Reboot