Adam Žurek
Adam Žurek
deno? :)
I think eslint is included in `deno fmt`. Yeah imports are annoying, but more annoying is lack of IDE support :-/
@JanTvrdik so folders are never removed but only moved to some subdirectory in vendor? I don't think that this is goal of this library. There should be some force reinstall...
@enumag ah, so save last composer.json (or at least the cleaner part) for later comparison. next update/install it should compare this old and current configuration and force reinstall of packages...
Thanks for answer. If I understand it correctly this is template for class and not for whole python file (with many definitions in it), am I right? Some documentation with...
@koxudaxi Is it possible?
yeah, i know this "workaround"... but is it possible to use the property as standard string? 🤔
If I can choose combination then it would be probably best 😁 ```py FileHash = str class FileRequest(BaseModel): file_hash: FileHash = Field(...) ```
Or I can call aggregation on string column. `$selection->min('myStringColumn')`
Can you send any other profiler info? Like comparison that two versions, most function calls, most time consuption functions...