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missing isBlank and other is... functions
I just ran across this. I was trying to remove blank results from a Wikidata query. Please add them, as they should be easy to add.
It's on our list. To do it efficiently, we depend on a few other PRs currently in the pipeline. Once they are done, it will indeed be relatively straightforward.
In the meantime, you can use STRSTARTS as a workaround. This is relatively slow (for QLever's standards), so best to put the part of the query you want to filter into { ... }:
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
{ { ?item wdt:P31 ?class . }
MINUS { ?class wdt:P279 ?super } }
FILTER (! STRSTARTS(STR(?class), "_:u_"))
This was already fixed by #1184, (see above), however the closing did not work as expected.