Acy Watson

Results 25 comments of Acy Watson

Wow, I didn't realize we aren't using these. Great to clean this up. I wonder when the callsites were removed...

As these are part of the public API, it's probably best to formally deprecate them, then remove them in a later version.

Why do you want to do this? Those keys are not supposed to be stable across editors or sessions.

> but would doing so still result in the possibility of nodes in the editor with duplicated persistent IDs? No, this is fine to do with something like a UUID.

> This is quite a big deal for us so I put some effort into pinning down the problem, and here is what I have discovered so far. > >...

> Paragraphs being block elements should not be nested in another block element, and the semantically right way to do so is to insert line breaks. Are we aligned on...

> I also think it would make sense to extract the plugins into a separate package and maybe even packages, so that users only take what they need, and also...

> Our observation is that the Lexical Editor's rendering is currently limited exclusively to the client-side due to its reliance on client-side rendering mechanisms Can you be more specific about...

> One of the challenges we've encountered is the time it takes for the editor to process data on the client side. Can you give an example here? What exactly...

Thanks! I think this makes sense. > However, this approach has numerous shortcomings, making it unsuitable for production use. I'm curious about the shortcomings here? You don't need to really...