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LessMSI.Core as stand-alone API
Would be awesome if there was a lightweight .NET API (in similarity to Sharpziplib) that allowed one to simply point to a file path, open an MSI archive stream, fetch files from it, etc.
Looks like LessMSI.Core may meet that demand? I, for one, would give that NuGet package a try :)
@xavierdecoster Thanks for taking the time to request this. I think this could be done easily and quickly with the following steps:
- [ ] Create a target in lessmsi.build for building the nuget package for lessmsi.core. It should be almost identical to what's done for packaging LessIO at https://github.com/activescott/LessIO/blob/master/src/.build/lessio.msbuild#L118
- [ ] NOTE: LessIO and libmspack4n are both dependencies of LessMSI.Core. Since both have published nuget packages I think that will be fine, but probably needs specified in the nuspec and needs verified that they install correctly, etc.
- [ ] Update the final instructions is lessmsi.build so that it reminds me to publish the nuget package when building new versions.
If this is all done and submitted as a PR I'll pull it and publish a release that publishes LessMSI.Core as a nuget package. If you have any questions or need any help at all ping me and I'll be happy to help!