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Loves/is loved by polymorphic belongs_to associations, Ransack, Squeel, MetaSearch...

Results 8 polyamorous issues
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With the latest version of gem ``` 1) Account::ArticlesController As admin GET #index returns http success Failure/Error: = f.select :cities_id_in, City.joins(:articles).ordered.distinct.collect{|e| [e.name, e.id]}, {include_blank: 'Select City'}, class: 'form-control', style: 'width:...

Dropping old and unsupported versions of ruby and RoR

This issue only affects Active Record 5.2. In Active Record < 5.2, polymorphic joins will include a condition on the `_type` column. ```sql LEFT OUTER JOIN "people" ON "people"."id" =...

'bundle install' works with latest polyamorous gem, but running gives following error: ``` mattlindsey@MATTs-MBP WebsiteOne (1737_rails_5) $ bundle exec cucumber features [Coveralls] Using SimpleCov's 'rails' settings. There was an error...

Link syntax was broken by newline.

I maintain a gem called `baby_squeel` [here](https://github.com/rzane/baby_squeel). It depends on polyamorous, and has some overlap with ransack. The most irritating overlap is in building a join dependency from a relation,...

I know - this is not Squeel.....I am using Squeel, and am trying to update my ransack gem - unfortunately ransack uses a newer version of the polyamorous gem and...

I totally understand that this is a private API, and I understand why polyamorous isn't currently documented. Though, it would be really nice to have a tiny bit of documentation...