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Question: Is accept.js supported?
I have been using active merchant to interact with prior to accept.js was released. Are you all supporting that yet? I managed to find a closed issue that referenced supporting it but when searching the repo, I can't seem to find any code referencing the support.
I guess the main question should really be, does the part support using the payment nonce instead of passing the card data in?
We're using activemerchant for accept.js payments, but we had to add a small monkey patch to do so.
I'd be happy to put up a PR for this, but based on the response to a different PR I have and the number of outstanding PR's, I'm not sure I'll get much of a response from those with write access to this repo.
If somebody with write access is willing to commit to reviewing and helping to get that PR merged, just let me know.
@herberzt - You willing to do some code review and QA if I put up a PR?
@curiousepic and @nfarve - You two looks like the last two people to commit changes to in this project. Are either of you willing to help with review and merging? (One thing specifically that is needed is adding a public client key to the authnet fixture for that account, so that I can generate an accept.js nonce for remote specs.)
FYI: accept.js documentation:
@dingels35 - thank you for reaching out! We're currently looking at how we can improve our workflows to better process incoming issues and PRs. Your contribution is most welcome and we would be happy to review it. Looking briefly at the linked documentation, it appears you can submit the public key directly via an API call using the test credentials included in the fixtures.yml
@bayprogrammer - Thanks for the note and the suggestion to pull the public key from the API. It worked out well.
I have a PR up for this now - #3224. I'm looking forward to a review.
@dingels35 Thanks for your PR! I am going to ask to place it into our review pipeline and expect myself or another engineer to be able to review it soon. Great news on getting the public key via an API call!
Marking this "of interest" before a cleanup of stale issues