active_admin_datetimepicker copied to clipboard
Intermittent datepicker issues with filters
When using the datepicker with activeadmin filter, the datepicker when clicking on the input field seems to be very buggy, sometimes showing the datepicker other times not triggering at all.
If you click on a filter field, somewhere else on the page and click back on the field a few times it replicates the issue. Sometimes the page loads and it is not shown at all.
No java-script console error messages are being shown.
ruby 2.7.5p203 Rails activeadmin 2.13.1 active_admin_datetimepicker 1.0.0
# This if for the front-end JavaScript side
ActiveAdminDatetimepicker::Base.default_datetime_picker_options = {
format: 'd/m/Y H:i',
defaultTime: proc { Time.current.strftime('%H:00') },
defaultDate: proc { Time.current.strftime("%d/%m/%Y 00:00") }
# This if for the Ruby backend
ActiveAdminDatetimepicker::Base.format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
activeadmin filter
filter :appointment_date, as: :date_time_range
sass variables
Can not reproduce.