dtle copied to clipboard
MySQL-kafka: wrong value for data type timestamp
MySQL-kafka: wrong value for data type timestamp
Steps to reproduce the issue
- check src MySQL time_zone
mysql> SELECT @@GLOBAL.time_zone, @@SESSION.time_zone;
| @@GLOBAL.time_zone | @@SESSION.time_zone |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
shell> date
2022年 04月 20日 星期三 13:27:43 CST
- insert data on src MySQL
mysql> create table timestamp_columns( id int(11) not null primary key, c_timestamp '
mysql> insert into timestamp_columns values (0,'1970-01-01 08:00:01');
mysql> insert into timestamp_columns values (1,'2038-01-19 11:14:07');
mysql> insert into timestamp_columns values (2,'2015-08-12 14:57:05');
- create dtle job
"job_id": "data_types_default_full_timestamp_columns",
"is_password_encrypted": false,
"task_step_name": "all",
"failover": true,
"retry": 2,
"src_task": {
"task_name": "src",
"node_id": "1981dac8-c247-d804-f2b0-2e27d74c40ad",
"mysql_src_task_config": {
"gtid": "",
"binlog_relay": false
"drop_table_if_exists": true,
"skip_create_db_table": false,
"repl_chan_buffer_size": 120,
"chunk_size": 2000,
"group_max_size": 1,
"group_timeout": 100,
"connection_config": {
"database_type": "MySQL",
"host": "",
"port": 3306,
"user": "test_src",
"password": "test_src"
"replicate_do_db": [
"table_schema": "action_db",
"tables": [
"table_name": "timestamp_columns"
"dest_task": {
"task_name": "dest",
"node_id": "3ffe60b0-8a48-32c1-28d6-473c89792fcf",
"parallel_workers": 1,
"kafka_topic": "dtle",
"kafka_broker_addrs": [
- get kafka message, and compare with dbz
- check src MySQL binlog
Describe the results you expected
- 对于TIMESTAMP,它把客户端插入的时间从当前时区转化为UTC(世界标准时间)进行存储。查询时,将其又转化为客户端当前时区进行返回。
- DTLE发送kafka消息时应直接发送UTC时间,而不应做时区转换,因为DTLE不知道消费端的时区。
Output of ./dtle version
- 将每个服务器设置为不同的时区:
src dtle
timedatectl set-timezone UTC
dest dest
timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London
src mysql
timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Monaco
dest mysql
timedatectl set-timezone America/Los_Angeles
# 开启目标端general log
set global general_log = ON;
set global general_log_file = '/tmp/general.log';
- 源端插入数据
create table timestamp_columns( id int(11) not null primary key, c_timestamp timestamp)ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
insert into timestamp_columns values (0,'1970-01-01 08:00:01');
insert into timestamp_columns values (1,'2037-01-19 11:14:07');
insert into timestamp_columns values (2,'2015-08-12 14:57:05');
insert into timestamp_columns values (3,now());
insert into timestamp_columns values (4,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
insert into timestamp_columns values (5,NULL);
- 创建dtle job
- 检查目标端mysql general log
2022-04-25T05:54:08.799929Z 13 Query START TRANSACTION
2022-04-25T05:54:08.800110Z 13 Query set @@session.foreign_key_checks = 0
2022-04-25T05:54:08.800526Z 13 Query replace into `test`.`timestamp_columns` values ('0','1970-01-01 08:00:01'),('1','2037-01-19 11:14:07'),('2','2015-08-12 14:57:05'),('3','2022-04-25 07:53:26'),('4','2022-04-25 07:53:26'),('5','2022-04-25 07:53:27')
2022-04-25T05:54:08.801155Z 13 Query COMMIT
- 使用第三方MySQL clinet访问数据
- 增量插入数据
insert into timestamp_columns values (10,'1970-01-01 08:00:01');
insert into timestamp_columns values (11,'2037-01-19 11:14:07');
insert into timestamp_columns values (12,'2015-08-12 14:57:05');
insert into timestamp_columns values (13,now());
insert into timestamp_columns values (14,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
insert into timestamp_columns values (15,NULL);
- 检查目标端mysql general log
2022-04-25T06:22:58.883775Z 12 Query START TRANSACTION
2022-04-25T06:22:58.884325Z 12 Prepare replace into `test`.`timestamp_columns`
(`id`, `c_timestamp`) values
(?, ?)
2022-04-25T06:22:58.884467Z 12 Execute replace into `test`.`timestamp_columns`
(`id`, `c_timestamp`) values
(10, '1970-01-01 07:00:01')
2022-04-25T06:22:58.884955Z 12 Execute replace into dtle.gtid_executed_v4 (job_name,source_uuid,gtid,gtid_set) values ('aaa-migration', '^^·¡\'\Ä[^Q\ì¡3^BB¬d ^A', 14, null)
2022-04-25T06:22:58.885213Z 12 Query COMMIT
2022-04-25T06:22:58.885758Z 12 Query START TRANSACTION
2022-04-25T06:22:58.885924Z 12 Execute replace into `test`.`timestamp_columns`
(`id`, `c_timestamp`) values
(11, '2037-01-19 10:14:07')
2022-04-25T06:22:58.886147Z 12 Execute replace into dtle.gtid_executed_v4 (job_name,source_uuid,gtid,gtid_set) values ('aaa-migration', '^^·¡\'\Ä[^Q\ì¡3^BB¬d ^A', 15, null)
2022-04-25T06:22:58.886282Z 12 Query COMMIT
2022-04-25T06:22:58.886852Z 12 Query START TRANSACTION
2022-04-25T06:22:58.887017Z 12 Execute replace into `test`.`timestamp_columns`
(`id`, `c_timestamp`) values
(12, '2015-08-12 12:57:05')
2022-04-25T06:22:58.887236Z 12 Execute replace into dtle.gtid_executed_v4 (job_name,source_uuid,gtid,gtid_set) values ('aaa-migration', '^^·¡\'\Ä[^Q\ì¡3^BB¬d ^A', 16, null)
2022-04-25T06:22:58.887372Z 12 Query COMMIT
2022-04-25T06:22:58.887729Z 12 Query START TRANSACTION
2022-04-25T06:22:58.887893Z 12 Execute replace into `test`.`timestamp_columns`
(`id`, `c_timestamp`) values
(13, '2022-04-25 06:22:58')
2022-04-25T06:22:58.888081Z 12 Execute replace into dtle.gtid_executed_v4 (job_name,source_uuid,gtid,gtid_set) values ('aaa-migration', '^^·¡\'\Ä[^Q\ì¡3^BB¬d ^A', 17, null)
2022-04-25T06:22:58.888213Z 12 Query COMMIT
2022-04-25T06:22:58.888601Z 12 Query START TRANSACTION
2022-04-25T06:22:58.888759Z 12 Execute replace into `test`.`timestamp_columns`
(`id`, `c_timestamp`) values
(14, '2022-04-25 06:22:58')
2022-04-25T06:22:58.888967Z 12 Execute replace into dtle.gtid_executed_v4 (job_name,source_uuid,gtid,gtid_set) values ('aaa-migration', '^^·¡\'\Ä[^Q\ì¡3^BB¬d ^A', 18, null)
2022-04-25T06:22:58.889096Z 12 Query COMMIT
2022-04-25T06:22:59.572726Z 12 Query START TRANSACTION
2022-04-25T06:22:59.573120Z 12 Execute replace into `test`.`timestamp_columns`
(`id`, `c_timestamp`) values
(15, '2022-04-25 06:22:59')
2022-04-25T06:22:59.573557Z 12 Execute replace into dtle.gtid_executed_v4 (job_name,source_uuid,gtid,gtid_set) values ('aaa-migration', '^^·¡\'\Ä[^Q\ì¡3^BB¬d ^A', 19, null)
2022-04-25T06:22:59.573821Z 12 Query COMMIT
- 使用第三方MySQL clinet访问数据
将源端用固定的time_zone 读取,目标端也用同一个time_zone写入
将源端用固定的utc -0 的time_zone 读取
读取TIMESTAMP使用默认使用MySQL server的时区 https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/datetime.html
MySQL converts TIMESTAMP values from the current time zone to UTC for storage, and back from UTC to the current time zone for retrieval. (This does not occur for other types such as DATETIME.) By default, the current time zone for each connection is the server's time. The time zone can be set on a per-connection basis.
MySQL 行为
$ timedatectl | grep "Time zone"
Time zone: Etc/UTC (UTC, +0000)
mysql> create table a.a957 (id int primary key auto_increment, val1 timestamp, val2 datetime);
mysql> select @@time_zone;
mysql> insert into a.a957 values (0, now(), now());
mysql> set time_zone = '+08:00';
mysql> insert into a.a957 values (0, now(), now());
mysql> select * from a.a957;
| 1 | 2022-11-22 17:17:47 | 2022-11-22 09:17:47 |
| 2 | 2022-11-22 17:18:51 | 2022-11-22 17:18:51 |
mysql> set time_zone = 'system';
mysql> select * from a.a957;
| 1 | 2022-11-22 09:17:47 | 2022-11-22 09:17:47 |
| 2 | 2022-11-22 09:18:51 | 2022-11-22 17:18:51 |
fixed version: