actiontech_zabbix_mysql_monitor copied to clipboard
1. 增加监控状态、配置信息:read_only、server_id 获取方式 show variables like 'server_id' show global status like 'read_only' 2. 用户会话非空闲状态的top3持续时间 目前进取show processlist或select * from Information_schema.processlist输出中time字段,并未进行过滤 建议 获取show processlist或select * from Information_schema.processlist输出中time字段,根据以下条件过滤 states not in ('','sleep') and...
MySQL 8.0 has been released for a few months, it is time to support it.
1. 监控MySQL运行用户下的process(进程数和线程数)与ulimit限制的关系, 超过一定比例告警 2. 监控系统级别的process, 与ulimit限制的关系, 超过一定比例告警 3. 监控MySQL max_connection与ulimit的限制关系, 超过一定比例告警