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DotNet test runs fail for a x86 projects - Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App (net core 6) is missing on windows-latest runner,

Open kerrywicks opened this issue 1 year ago • 6 comments

Description: This has been an issue since Wednesday 22nd November. DotNet test runs fail for a x86 projects with an error message stating that Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App (net core 6) is missing on windows-latest (github action) runner.

This issue was raised here: (reported as an Azure devops issue), but was closed with a claim that it is not image related, and it was recommended to raise the issue here. I'm hoping this is the right place to raise this! If I should raise this elsewhere, please let me know and feel free to close this.

Task version: setup-dotnet@v3

Platform: Windows

Runner type: Hosted - github action + Azure devops

Repro steps:
Here are the tasks I am attempting to run:

# Setup
- name: Install .NET Core
  uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
    dotnet-version: 6.0.x

This task does pass, but gives the message:

dotnet-install: .NET Core SDK with version '6.0.417' is already installed.

The next task is to run the unit tests for a windows app project:

- name: Execute Domino.UnitTests.LabelFacade
  run: dotnet test ".\Mozart\Domino.UnitTests.LabelFacade\bin\x86\Release\net6.0-windows\Domino.UnitTests.LabelFacade.dll" --verbosity m

This task fails with the following message:

Testhost process for source(s) 'D:\a\DA-development\DA-development.\Mozart\Domino.UnitTests.LabelFacade\bin\x86\Release\net6.0-windows\Domino.UnitTests.LabelFacade.dll' exited with error: You must install or update .NET to run this application. App: D:\a\DA-development\DA-development\Mozart\Domino.UnitTests.LabelFacade\bin\x86\Release\net6.0-windows\testhost.x86.exe Architecture: x86 Framework: 'Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App', version '6.0.0' (x86) .NET location: C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet The following frameworks were found: 8.0.0 at [C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App]

Expected behavior: I'd expect .net 6 to install if it is in fact missing for both x86 and x64, and as such I would expect the testhost to be able to run tests successfully.

Actual behavior: The image thinks that .Net is installed at the requested version - however, the x86 portion for .net tests seem to be missing. Note that x86 non-test projects build and run successfully as expected.

kerrywicks avatar Nov 27 '23 08:11 kerrywicks

Hello, @kerrywicks ! Thank you for reporting this issue, we will look into it :)

dusan-trickovic avatar Nov 27 '23 09:11 dusan-trickovic

We are also seeing this issue for x86 tests. Started within the last 2 weeks.

MelDommer avatar Nov 27 '23 17:11 MelDommer

We are also facing the issue for x86 tests from last week

mnr3395 avatar Nov 28 '23 03:11 mnr3395

We are having the same issue in our builds, starting on the 20th of November. Our current workaround is to use a self hosted agent where we manually install windows desktop development packages. Attaching a from a build that fails using this following build configuration:

trigger: none
# Configuration
- job: Build_HSH
    vmImage: 'windows-latest'

    - checkout: self  # self represents the repo where the initial Pipelines YAML file was found
      clean: true  # whether to fetch clean each time
      submodules: true

    - task: UseDotNet@2
        packageType: 'sdk'
        version: 6.x
        performMultiLevelLookup: true

    - task: UseDotNet@2
        packageType: 'runtime'
        version: 6.x
        performMultiLevelLookup: true

    - powershell: |
        dotnet --info
      displayName: 'dotnet info'

    - powershell: dotnet tool restore
      displayName: 'dotnet tool restore'

    - powershell: |
        dotnet --info
      displayName: 'dotnet info'
    - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
      displayName: 'Test HSH'
        command: 'test'
        arguments: "-s test.runsettings -v:n --logger:trx /bl"

    - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
      displayName: 'Publish Artifact: build-log'
      condition: always()
        PathtoPublish: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/msbuild.binlog'
        ArtifactName: 'build-log'

To trigger the issue, we've used the following csproj settings: "Code project"


"Test project"


fredrikloch avatar Nov 28 '23 07:11 fredrikloch

Same her. VSTest@2 doesnt work either. Changed my 2 NET6 unit test projects (one for x86 one for x64) to NET8, the assembly under test itself remains NET6. Works again. 😃

phil6789 avatar Dec 01 '23 19:12 phil6789

I have a fork that fixes the issue but would like it resolved upstream. This is just a hack to make sure we have the right dotnet version. It should be supported properly by Github Actions IMO.

brenda-vh avatar Mar 26 '24 01:03 brenda-vh