Actionless Loveless
Actionless Loveless
also grep is quite helpful to understand how some things are done on a live example: ```console $ grep ARC_WIDGET_BORDER_COLOR * -R arc-theme/common/gtk-3.0/3.18/sass/_colors.scss.thpl:$entry_border: if($variant == 'light', %ARC_WIDGET_BORDER_COLOR%, darken($borders_color, 0%)); arc-theme/common/gtk-3.0/3.20/sass/_colors.scss.thpl:$entry_border:...
no, thanks, i'm not going to fix this since it's not reproducible in gtk widget factory and so i just let it open in case if someone would volunteer
no, i am talking about
if you are interested you can take default Numix theme for Gnome Shell and replace all the hardcoded colors with template variables (like `#%BG%`): and afterwards add path to...
_From @ddnexus on April 23, 2017 2:37_ I am not sure I understand what you mean. AFAIK there is no Numix Gnome Shell theme currently working (or at least changing...
try to use gnome-shell theme from here:
_From @ddnexus on April 24, 2017 8:38_ Thanks. However that offers only a partial coverage of the Gnome Shell theme.
i'll leave this open in case if here will be any other volunteer to get gnome-shell theme
if you're using GNOME Shell you could try to add it here, feel free to ask anything (i've already did a mistake some time ago by adding XFWM theme which...
in terms of border i was mostly concerned by gtk2 theme there theme engines are a bit limiting configuration possibilities for the widgets