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CLI-1332: acli app:new:from:drupal7 crashes on cPanel environment with "stream_get_contents(): Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource, bool given" on
Describe the bug
I try to migrate a Drupal 7 site with the Acquia Migrate: Accelerate app:new:from:drupal7...
, it crashes with the following error message:
TypeError: stream_get_contents(): Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource, bool given in stream_get_contents() (line 22 of phar:///home2/ptgptbfr/bin/acli/vendor/composer/../../src/Command/App/From/JsonResourceParserTrait.php).
To Reproduce Follow the Acquia tutorials :
Expected behavior The command should not crash or at least give more info about the problem.
$ acli app:new:from:drupal7 --drupal7-directory=/legacy/www --directory=/new/www -vvv
Box Requirements Checker
> Using PHP 8.1.28
> PHP is using the following php.ini file:
> Checking Box requirements:
✔ The application requires a version matching "^8.1".
✔ The application requires the extension "json".
✔ The package "guzzlehttp/guzzle" requires the extension "json".
✔ The package "league/csv" requires the extension "json".
✔ The package "m4tthumphrey/php-gitlab-api" requires the extension "json".
✔ The package "ramsey/uuid" requires the extension "json".
✔ The package "zumba/amplitude-php" requires the extension "json".
✔ The package "composer/ca-bundle" requires the extension "openssl".
✔ The package "composer/ca-bundle" requires the extension "pcre".
✔ The package "vlucas/phpdotenv" requires the extension "pcre".
✔ The package "league/csv" requires the extension "filter".
✔ The package "m4tthumphrey/php-gitlab-api" requires the extension "xml".
✔ The package "marc-mabe/php-enum" requires the extension "reflection".
✔ The package "zumba/amplitude-php" requires the extension "curl".
✔ The package "laminas/laminas-servicemanager" conflicts with the extension "psr".
✔ The package "symfony/dependency-injection" conflicts with the extension "psr".
✔ The package "symfony/service-contracts" conflicts with the extension "psr".
[OK] Your system is ready to run the application.
Acquia CLI version: 2.25.0
🤖 Scanning Drupal 7 site.
👍 Found Drupal 7 site (7.98 to be precise) at sites/default, with 77 modules enabled!
TypeError: stream_get_contents(): Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource, bool given in stream_get_contents() (line 22 of phar:///home2/ptgptbfr/bin/acli/vendor/composer/../../src/Command/App/From/JsonResourceParserTrait.php).
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Red Hat 8.2.1-3 / Linux version 4.18.0-513. (cpanle)
- PHP 8.1.28
php -m [PHP Modules] bcmath bz2 calendar Core ctype curl date dom filter ftp gd gettext hash iconv imap intl json libxml mbstring mysqli mysqlnd openssl pcntl pcre PDO pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite Phar posix readline Reflection session SimpleXML soap SPL sqlite3 standard tokenizer xml xmlreader xmlwriter xsl zip zlib
- Composer version 2.6.5
- jq 1.7.1
- Your command is using the default recommendations.
- The crash is happening at
It must be failing to retrieve to fetch the default recommendations URL.
- What do you see if you run
curl -vvv -O
? - What is your
setting forallow_url_fopen
? (I suspect this is related, especially considering you're on a CPanel-managed server.)
Curl seems fine (I get the json content).
Your right, the cpanel php config seems a bit weird, php is not always returning the same config or version depending on the folder where it is executed.
The allow_url_fopen is "on" for the source folder (--drupal7-directory
) but "off" for the target one ( --directory
Although I set the correct allow_url_fopen value for both folders in the cpanel admin ui.
I finally found a way to fixe it by setting PHPRC
: export PHPRC=/new/www/php.ini
I guess it's a local problem, although a more details message would be great.
although a more details message would be great.
That's fair! 😊