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This is a very bare bones template for using the following Slim, Twig and Eloquent

Slim, Twig & Eloquent

In development

This repo is very much in development. If you're coming from my original blog post back in 2013 please download the 1.0 tagged release.


Clone the repository

Run composer install

In app/config.php edit the $environments variable to use your computer's hostname for development.

You can retrieve your hostname by running hostname in your command line.

By default if the hostname is not found it will use the production settings.

Rename phinx.example.yml to phinx.yml and edit your settings accordingly.

To use the built in local PHP server use php -S localhost:8000 -t public/ or the helper command php ste serve.

Slim Routes

Routes are all kept in app/routes.php. To learn more about Slim's routing system see the documentation.

Twig Views

Views are kept in app/views/. Helper functions such as urlFor are supported.

See the Twig documentation for more information.

Eloquent Models

Models are kept in app/models/. See the Eloquent documentation for more information.

Models can be generated with php ste model:make ModelName. This command will also run composer dumpautoload.

Model and validation example

// app/models/User.php
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Model;

class User extends Model {

  protected $fillable = [

  public $timestamps = false;

  public static $rules = [
    'username' => 'required'

  public static $messages = [
    'required' => 'The :attribute is required.'

// app/routes.php

$app->get ('/user', function () use ( $app ) {

  $users = User::all();

  $user = new User;
  $user = $user->fill(['username' => '']);

  $validator = Validator::make(['username' => ''], User::$rules, User::$messages);

  // Outputs: "The username is required."


Migrations are kept in app/db/migrations and uses Phinx.

See the documentation for Phinx commands and migrations to get started.


Setting up gulp for compiling your assets requires Node and NPM.

npm install

By default running gulp will watch and compile the following:

  • app/assets/javascripts/**/*.js to public/js/application.js
  • app/assets/sass/**/*.scss to public/css/**/*.css
  • app/assets/less/**/*.scss to public/css/**/*.css

Switching from Javascript to Coffeescript

As a Coffeescript user I've made it super simple to use Coffeescript instead of Javascript.

Run gulp coffee instead of the default gulp.

The coffee command watches and compiles to the following directories

  • app/assets/coffeescripts/**/*.js to app/assets/javascripts/**/*.js to public/js/application.js
  • app/assets/sass/**/*.scss to public/css/**/*.css
  • app/assets/less/**/*.scss to public/css/**/*.css

Note that Coffeescript files get written to the javascript directory first which will overwrite any files with the same name.


You should be able to use either out of the box. Both get compiled with gulp and gulp coffee.

Sass files are stored in app/assets/sass and less files are stored in app/assets/less.


By default there are two commands for you to utilize: php ste serve and php ste make:model.

php ste serve runs the local PHP server.

php ste make:model takes the name of your model as its first argument, generates a model file in app/models and runs composer dumpautoload for your convenience.

Creating commands

Commands are made with symfony/console so see their excellent documentation to get started.

Commands can be stored in app/commands. To register your new command add it to the ste file in the root of your project.


  • Switch $environments variable to have the environment as the key and the hostname as the value.
  • Set default timezone for Phinx.
  • Check Read me
  • Test commands



  • Updated to work with Slim 2.5 from 2.3
  • Removed twig-extensions dependency
  • Switched migrations to Phinx
  • Added Whoops dependency
  • Added gulp for assets
  • Added two commands: serve and model:make